Posts by Sacha
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I believe some would simply argue that the place the money should be "sitting" is in the pockets of taxpayers. Just sayin.
Question Time now, my summary - Key knew last Tuesday afternoon, but natural justice required gathering facts. Can't reveal details about criminal complaint. Previous bad form by Worth, but not enough to warrant firing him until now.
Well I guess we can't ask the dog.
I'd be offended by that if I could be bothered
Here, let me help.
I'll say again that I have no problem with people disagreeing - just with bad faith, crap arguing and refusal to pay attention to what others are saying. If you're that crap at a conversation then why should the rest of us have to put up with it? Plenty of other places that will welcome with open arms the traffic of ignorant blathering fucktards.
And why is it at all contentious that people are labelled as terrorists when they kill doctors who provide abortions - as part of an organised movement with documented shared beliefs and a long history of acting violently and murderously to deliberately intimidate people who they politically oppose.
Despite the stereotypes about swarthy turban wearers, that's what terrorism is. Full stop. There's been plenty of evidence provided about both the history and current resurgence of armed and organised redneck Americans. I don't give a flying fuck if the term is not defined in some NZ statute to the satisfaction of someone who would clearly rather avoid the implications. People you are trying to defend are nasty thugs. That does not reflect well on you. Deal with it elsewhere.
But CAPITALS is an accurate reflection of the oratory of the author in question.
Didn't Key say something during the election campaign about backing ourselves to do better over the next couple of decades rather than investing in the success of other countries?
At least Morgan is being bold and.. ambitious.
Don't recall where it was in our local blogosystem, but someone pointed out that government borrows a certain proportion of its total income and that it is misleading to say any one expenditure item is all funded from borrowing while another is totally funded from tax, etc.
I am not an economist so may have it completely wrong for all sorts of reasons, but it made sense to me when I read it. On that scale, talking about borrowing money to pay for Super Contributions but somehow not for personal tax cuts is just bollocks and spin.
Of course Gareth Morgan reckons we should just gut the Super Fund now and transfer it to compulsory KiwiSaver accounts... in funds like the one he makes money from managing.
make som may silly errors
Muy silly errors, surely - David's been watching Jon Stewart about that new supreme nominee, innit.
metric fuckton
I am impressed by this unit of measure.
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