Cracker: What Would Charlotte Do?
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If I’m tweeting back and forth to @CMRanapia, well guess what, 1499 other people at my end just have to sit through that. I don’t wish that on people, but I don’t see an alternative.
That conversation will only show up in the timeline of people who follow both you and Craig. Those who follow both will presumedly be a little interested in your chat, those who don’t won’t see it. A non-follower of Craig can still your tweets to him in your timeline, but if someone is looking at your timeline on its own, it’s safe to assume they want to see alllll your toots.
I’m loving adding my two cents to the Sunday night flurry of commentary over New Zealand’s Got Talent (#NZGT)
The #nzgt backchannel lolz is my current fave thing. I feel sorry for the person choosing the tweets to show on-air – all the best ones aren’t fit for broadcast.
Thanks Robyn – yeah I did an edit already you might’ve missed above, pointing out that I’d just been told that about conversations. Having said that, Russell, Graeme and a few other people are having a mind-numbing (to anyone other than us who has to read it I’m sure) discussion about exactly how that does or doesn’t work. Apparently the native Twitter client only looks at the first @ in the tweet to determine whether you get to see that or not. So in a conversation between three people, someone will get to see it as long as the follow the first person whose name appears in the tweet (and presumably the person who sent the tweet), they don’t have to be following all three. Got it? Yeah me neither… :)
Sacha, in reply to
Librarians would love it, sir
Sorry Charlotte, you need to put the Twitter down and step away.
Good summary.
ok ok i fucking checked if I was still your facebook friend…but the rest of you did to admit it!
Thank goodness I dont do twitter, linked-in, facebook or anything else that is socially media’d-
I just have a wonderful/sometimes fraught/always entertaining & educational time here on PAS.’Nough for me-
Don’t knock the 18 year old in Whangarei because
1. You might need them one day
2. It could be your own son one day -
Tim Hannah, in reply to
Librarians would love it, sir
This librarian had completely tuned out till you called.
Damian Christie, in reply to
If my own son at 18 has a picture of himself shaking the hand of Roger Douglas as his profile pic, it will:
1. Prove my point that Roger Douglas keeps himself alive drinking puppies’ blood
2. I shouldn’t have left my old Ayn Rand books in the same draw as my porn.Serious point though, nothing against any kid from Whangarei or wherever, I just don’t need them to be my facebook friend. And I’m pretty sure they don’t need to be mine. We all choose how we want to manage our own social media, this is how I’m choosing to manage mine – by only being “friends” with people I have met. It’s a pretty low bar.
re the difficulties in debating, can I just say that Lew nails it. We had a backward and forwards the other night and it was calm, reasonable and he was really persuasive…140 characters at a time. So it can be done.
Danielle, in reply to
Librarians would love it, sir
Which is what makes the MLIS such a compelling experience.
(I am *so bitter* about that degree, aren’t I? One day in 2056 I might finally shut up about how much it sucked.)
Danielle, in reply to
can I just say that Lew nails it
He is indeed very good at Twitter argument construction. (Twargonstruction?) Even if he is unnecessarily snotty about pop culture he deems unworthy. And frocks. :)
@David – I’m not saying it can’t be done, and I can’t imagine having a nasty heated debate with Lew in any forum, it’s more that when an argument starts heading downwards, Twitter is an incredibly frustrating medium to try and pull it back, explain EXACTLY what you meant by the previous tweet that has been misconstrued, without digging another hole right beside the one you’ve already found yourself in….
Just another use for twitter.
I read scientific literature in my job and we used to go to the library and pick up dead trees to read the table of contents and decide if there was an article we needed to read.
Then we got newsgroups with lists of good papers.
Then we got e-mail lists and RSS feeds with Tables of content from the journals
Now I get tweets from the journals and from various agregators who highlight relevant articles.If I was smart I’d have two accounts to keep them separate.
noizyboy, in reply to
Eh? MLIS sucked!? Best. Degree. Ever.
Danielle, in reply to
Best. Degree. Ever.
(It made me HATE LIBRARIES. Which I’m sure you’ll agree is not an ideal result.)
Twitter is an incredibly frustrating medium to try and pull it back
Yeah I think you’re spot on there actually.
I’ve had a couple of “Ricky Gervais” types tweet back at me – and I think that’s the exciting part about Twitter, a chance to engage with people who you would never otherwise engage with.
But then on the flipside, things get aired very publicly and can turn feral (the British swimmer episode from the Olympics springs to mind).
Sacha, in reply to
my job is done :)
Sacha, in reply to
unnecessarily snotty about pop culture he deems unworthy
Sacha, in reply to
Pixies makes up for it, right :)
Sacha, in reply to
when an argument starts heading downwards, Twitter is an incredibly frustrating medium to try and pull it back
Yep. Any time there’s too much divergence in underlying fundamental beliefs, the discussion can deteriorate fast and never recover. I just avoid discussions with libertarians now.
Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to
Sacha, in reply to
Seems we had a similar hairstyle at that age.
Damian Christie, in reply to
Yep. Any time there’s too much divergence in underlying fundamental beliefs
Yeah, or when you believe almost completely the same things, but someone’s giving up smoking… or hasn’t had their morning coffee… or got out of bed wrong etc…
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