Field Theory: The Return
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Could they make the Blues home and away strips any-more similar if they tried?
Also the 2009 Super 14 jerseys were revealed. I’ll do my proper “analysis” tomorrow (ps. If anyone from Adidas reads this drop me a quick line, cheers)
Seriously, did the Super 14 not think this through?
One jersey for playing at home, one jersey for playing away. Great idea, the NHL has been doing this for decades. Check out the tops.
Highlanders: Home top blue, great. Away top maroon red.
Crusaders: Home top red…
Reds: Home top redCrusaders playing Highlanders at Christchurch (which will be in 2010, discounting playoff games): Red vs Red.
Reds playing Highlanders in Queensland (again, 2010): Red vs Red.
And the blues: Two blue tops, the major difference white panels under the arms. Their home and away tops are pretty much the same in colour?
Blues playing away vs any team playing in blue any year: Blue vs blue.
How difficult would it have been to say (again, like the NHL), your away top has to be primarily white/light grey? Are these people qualified to run a social sports league, let alone a professional one?
Rattue is mad or having a joke on all of us. The only mistake the ABs made at the World Cup was letting Wayne Barnes referee the game. Inept and possibly corrupt.
it was against an Australian side that doesn’t have the necessary spread of quality players yet, and a South African squad under the command of an excitable novice and with a backdrop of familiar infighting
I’m not a great follower of the game, but am I to understand that winning doesn’t count if the other side isn’t as good as you are?
Rattue’s column is absurd. He justifies naming Deans his coach of the year with the claim that:
The most significant achievement by far during this series was Australia’s ability, under Robbie Deans, to pull back from the brink of a disaster that was facing the sport across the Tasman.
Curiously, however, Rattue has not previously written of this “disaster”. Indeed, he seems to have pulled it out of his ass in a desperate attempt to justify himself.
I’ve said my piece about Rattue over in the other post.
But The Dropkicks did postulate in a previous podcast that perhaps Rattue was engaged in a massive conspiracy with the rugby union. So perhaps we should be cheering him on?
Jo S,
A question (or two) on the new strips.
So did the Super 14 organisers actually put any serious limits on the home and away jersies?
It would be useful if they had actually said something like “home strip Light, away strip dark” and enforced it.
How much say do they actually get?
How much imput do the relevant super 14 franchise have?
Do the super 14 folks have to OK the strips or not?jus wonderin.
Are these people qualified to run a social sports league, let alone a professional one?
Bibs. The away teams can wear flouro-pink bibs.
It would be useful if they had actually said something like “home strip Light, away strip dark” and enforced it.
Oh yeah? Come down here and enforce it.
I’m kidding. Mostly.
Highlanders: Home top blue, great. Away top maroon red.
Crusaders: Home top red…
Reds: Home top redCrazy. We should make every team play all their away games in pink until they sort it out.
Super14 home & away strips – friggin mad.
Rattue is back – still friggin mad.
Is Chris Rattue a Cantabrian? or just a brain-dead one-eyed pillock? (Not that I conflate the 2, I hasten to add. If he was Cantabrian then I could sort of understand a continuing weak cheer for Robbie Deans. If not, then he’s just plugging away doggedly trying to justify a previous position that is no longer tenable.)
He’s an arse, anywhichway. -
Crazy. We should make every team play all their away games in pink until they sort it out.
Heh. I can hear the changing rooms now:
“With all respect to Dan Carter, the new tops look a bit French don’t they?”
re the All Blacks – 5 tests in 5 countries in 5 weeks, all away from home, all wins. In many respects that’s more intense than the Tri-Nations.
We should stop playing international matches until the rest catch up.
(I am joking)Super 14 strips – what everyone else has been saying. Perhaps a boycott of buying the away strips is in order?
The Crusaders’ jersey? Seriously? A sword on the front?
[Edited as per the request of the poster – I’ll send the info on to Hadyn now – RB]
As to the jersey’s, I like the idea of having two strips, but I wanted something half decent, not some mangled pos that someone’s kid drew at school.
Oh and as to Chris… rebuilding right? So both Australia and NZ lost by 2 points in the same round of the RWC, both to NH nations [which both have thrashed this year]. Both have lost many senior players after the RWC. GH gets the Bledisloe, Tri-Nations, Hillary Shield and Grand Slam. Wins 13 out of 15 matches. Australia win 9 out of 14 with a match against the baabaa’s to come.
Am I just being ignorant when I think the hard data points to GH as the better coach?
As far as Chris is concerned I’ve wodered whether he started out, back at the beginning, trying find evidence for what was quite a common opinion: that Henry shouldn’t’ve returned after the RWC. After a few wins he found himself with this angle to himself, a point of difference to his pieces, but has since followed the angle so far he’s arrived in another dimension.
Let. It. Go. Chris.
Chris also doesn’t (or didn’t in October) want Bennet involved with the Kiwis – NZ Herald 29 Oct:
“It’s time to sack that over-qualified hired hand Wayne Bennett from being the Kiwis’ assistant coach so Steve Kearney can find his feet as the head man…..”
Probably still hasn’t changed his mind despite the result at the RL World Cup. Never will about Henry either even if the Rugby World Cup is won with him at the helm.
Curiously, however, Rattue has not previously written of this “disaster”.
Well perhaps the disaster would have been beating the Welsh, cause, you know, that would have been… terrible.
And he certainly avoided that! RO-BBIE RO-BBIE -
I think you people have missed the point with Rattue, and I for one admire his intestinal fortitude, tenacity, and sticktuitiveness on this issue.
I was very disappointed in Rattue after last year’s World Cup. The day before the match against France, he was proclaiming a massive victory by an invincible team under a great coach. The next day, the plan had been flawed from the beginning, Henry was a disaster, hanging was too good for them &c &c.
This flip-flopping was unbecoming a journalist of any persuasion, and brought the whole profession into disrepute. I’m very glad to see that Rattue has now found the strength to remain true to his convictions in the face of overwhelming evidence.
And with all that, I still think Henry should have got the boot. I definitely got over it – it’s not as if I cared that much in the first place – but on that count I don’t think that Rattue is wrong.
Rattue would be better served by pointing out that on the November tour Henry appeared to be reverting to his 2007 personality.
The one that led to all that trouble.
True. And lets not forget we lost 17 players after last years world cup. It’s probably only due to Henry’s (failed) rotation policy that we still have the player depth after the exodus.
It’s probably only due to Henry’s (failed) rotation policy that we still have the player depth after the exodus.
There almost seems to be a concerted effort in being the best team in between World Cups. Now, I’m not saying that it’s only the World Cup that counts, but surely it’s too early in the cycle to judge either Deans or Henry, no? I don’t think the Henry methods have been remotely vindicated by the season just ended. And if Dean hadn’t earned the spot, I really don’t know what the word “merit” means.
According to a head Rebel Sport honcho, in the week they have been available, the grey Crusaders strip is flying out the door. Let’s not forget the strip is about sales and not rugby.
JCDC, I presume you are reffering to the rest and rotation policy, not the rotation policy? The two are different :)
[Just a pet peeve of mine…]
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