Hard News by Russell Brown

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Hard News: A revolting piece of shit

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  • Craig Ranapia,

    yet it’s hard to say that the modern presence of women in senior journalistic, editorial and publishing jobs has served the goals of feminism particularly well.

    Ginger, bring the popcorn. Russell’s about to get beaten up by a pack of girls. (West Wing fans should get it.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    Ginger, bring the popcorn. Russell’s about to get beaten up by a pack of girls

    Heh. Until that Dirty Sesh turd floated to the surface, I was going to title the post “OMG! WTF! What am I doing here!?”

    But seriously: we use to have Thursday and Broadsheet and now we have Woman’s Day.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • giovanni tiso,

    Did you read One Dimensional Woman? I wonder if I could hurl a copy in your direction in time for the show… it’s only a small book.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts

  • Peter Darlington,

    Thought that Dirty Sesh story on the news the other night was going to be another rap music beat up but the bits of the video that they showed were enough to say to me that it was simply just wretched. Eminem he ain’t…

    Nelson • Since Nov 2006 • 949 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    A rousing Guardian column by Carrie Hamilton, which takes its cue from the second episode of Women, which we watched last night – and which did, indeed, turn out to be an irritating hour of chatter about who does the washing up in middle-class homes.

    The favourite topics of these organisations seem to be lap-dance clubs, pornography, lads’ magazines and the sex industry in general. This is part of a growing trend in middle-class feminism. Feminist writers and bloggers can’t seem to get enough of prostitution and pornography these days. But these are not the most important issues for the majority of women. Why should a sex worker be a symbol of sexism any more than a competent professional woman denied promotion in favour of a younger male colleague? Or a teenage girl who doesn’t get the education she deserves because her family are too poor to play the postcode lottery or pay tuition fees? Or a migrant woman whose children are locked in a detention centre?

    The serious issues of violence against women, and sexist oppression generally, are grossly simplified when they are constantly associated with the sex industry. Feminist campaigns to eliminate sex work by claiming that it is the same as violence against women are not only bad for the sex workers they aim to protect. They’re also bad for feminism.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    Did you read One Dimensional Woman? I wonder if I could hurl a copy in your direction in time for the show… it’s only a small book.

    It kind of looks like it’s going to be another post-modernist telling-off …

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Geoff Lealand,

    I am willing to send a copy (old-timey photocopy) to anyone who would like the full Nowra article (just bung me an email). It looks like he is setting himself up as the Australian equivalent of Alan Duff (right wing bombast, under the protection of ‘literature’)–his last piece on the perceived failings of the Australian film industry wasn’t very convincing.

    Screen & Media Studies, U… • Since Oct 2007 • 2562 posts

  • giovanni tiso,

    It kind of looks like it’s going to be another post-modernist telling-off …

    I don’t think Nina could be accused of being a postmodernist. It is a very strong, highly enjoyable and immensely readable polemic against consumer feminism though.

    Wellington • Since Jun 2007 • 7473 posts

  • nz native,

    I’ve always thought to myself that the use of models in womans magazines who have bodies which maybe 5% of woman ( with the right genes ) resemble could be behind the eating disorders which seem to be mainly womans disease’s

    That and ‘fashion’ which could be summed up as herd behavior
    amongst humans .

    Regarding the beginning of Russels post I’m not sure But i think mike kings boy aka dirty sesh has had mental health problems like his dad.

    I sometimes listen to Mike Kings radio show “the nutters club” which is quite infomative on mental health issues.

    Its a shame his boy has come up with a piece of poo as a music vid

    Since May 2007 • 60 posts

  • Craig Ranapia,

    But seriously: we use to have Thursday and Broadsheet and now we have Woman’s Day.

    Sure, and as you’re thoroughly sick of hearing me say Cate Brett’s tenure at the Sunday Star Times wasn’t exactly the jewel in the crown of women in media. IMNSHO, she should have lost her job over the Operation Leaf debauch.

    Still, and quite seriously, I don’t think Bridget Williams, Liz Calder have let the feminist team down on the publishing tip. And while you may think the likes of Fran O’Sullivan and Jenni McMannus are a whole burger short of a happy meal, I’ll give them credit for forcing the boys to accept that a uterus doesn’t make you incapable of working the business/economy beat.

    I am willing to send a copy (old-timey photocopy) to anyone who would like the full Nowra article (just bung me an email). It looks like he is setting himself up as the Australian equivalent of Alan Duff (right wing bombast, under the protection of ‘literature’)

    Don’t know about that, Geoff. I felt like I’d stumbled into the Australian equivalent of the Karl Stead vs. everyone else all in brawls that used to make the Kiwi literary scene so much fun, in a nude jelly wrestling kind of way. Felt like there’s a family feud going on – with decades of cocktail party bad blood and literary politics I just don’t want to know about.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts

  • Grace Dalley,

    Helen Razer’s rant is brilliant. Germaine Greer is also brilliant. Sometimes I disagree with her ideas, but unlike so many writers and thinkers, she is always original, and she always does in-depth research. The Female Eunuch has had a huge influence on our society and culture.

    I remember also being blown away by Sex and Destiny, which many people found “difficult”. Greer raises issues others are afraid to tackle, and we all benefit from the subsequent debate, whether it’s out in the mass media or discreetly among friends.

    Very much looking forward to Marlilyn Waring’s contribution on Media 7, she always has fascinating things to say.

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2008 • 138 posts

  • Craig Wearne,

    I don’t quite agree with you giving your review without having the link to the video. While I trust your judgement and you have undoubtably saved me from wasting my time in view such shite, I would think either review and link to it, or, don’t review at all.
    I think your audience is mature enough to form their own opinion. Sometimes we have to take the good with the bad to be well rounded and well informed.
    I appreciate your stand of course but would have liked the option to choose. I also appreciate that you didmn’t have the option to choose if someone else linked to it…but that is blogging for ya.

    Mt Maunganui • Since Sep 2008 • 6 posts

  • Jonty,

    Be interesting to see (and hear) Marilyn Waring again. She who stood up in Parliament and delivered the immortal words: “all men are potential rapists”. Wound old piggy and his mates up but was no more logical than saying “all women are potential child murderers”.

    Katikati • Since Mar 2007 • 102 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    I don’t quite agree with you giving your review without having the link to the video.

    Fair enough. The issue is that any YouTube link posted here automatically embeds, and I just don’t want the clip playing through my website.

    It’s embedded here.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Craig Ranapia,

    Craig Wearne:

    I don’t want to presume to speak for Russell, but there’s some shit that you don’t want to let pass without comment, but it’s vile enough that you don’t want to reward it with linky love (and traffic). On principle, I agree with your point – but I think there are, very occasionally, legitimate exceptions. (My limit was linking to a frak-tard right-wing blogger who had Photoshopped Helen Clark’s head onto explicit she-male porn. Had to be called out, but anyone who wanted to see that kind of crap could find the relevant post easily enough via Google.)

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts

  • BlairMacca,

    From a music perspective, but culture and media in general I found this article timely (don;t agree with the Lady Gaga bit at the bottom)

    I suppose growing up in the early 90’s when there was quite a groundswell of musicians who were ‘angry’ but more importantly had something to say, its really frustrating to see the downward spiral that has occured with female popular music, ie getting you tits out is deemed to be ‘groundbreaking’ see Lady Gaga. It disturbs me that young girls are growing up with this notion. Maybe they need to see a Sleater-Kinney (RIP) t-shirt from a wee while ago: “Show me your riffs”.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 208 posts

  • Grace Dalley,

    Regarding Guardian columnists, like many people I’ve been dismayed at the lack of intellectual rigour in many of the items on feminist issues. Why is it that (mostly unpaid) feminist bloggers are at the cutting edge of debate, and columnists in the mass media are left pontificating about nothing in particular?

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2008 • 138 posts

  • 3410,

    I don’t quite agree with you giving your review without having the link to the video. While I trust your judgement and you have undoubtably saved me from wasting my time in view such shite, I would think either review and link to it, or, don’t review at all.

    Huh? The story’s only link contained the vid, and made clear that it did. What’s the problem?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts

  • Grace Dalley,

    I’m not loving being the only Ladyperson in this thread so far! Where is everybody?

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2008 • 138 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    ie getting you tits out is deemed to be ‘groundbreaking’ see Lady Gaga

    I think Lady Gaga’s doing a bit more than getting her tits out. She’s much more interesting than that.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    Huh? The story’s only link contained the vid, and made clear that it did. What’s the problem?

    I only added that clarification just now.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    I’m not loving being the only Ladyperson in this thread so far! Where is everybody?

    Dunno! Could you perhaps do that whistle that only women can hear?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Glen Wright,

    I appreciate your stand of course but would have liked the option to choose.

    I appreciate the stand of unlinking the clip as a strong review in itself, esp. from a forum that is not afraid to label NSFW content. The choice remains to search it out.

    As a former student of hers, I can say it is also likely a wise choice for someone about to be on TV with Marilyn Waring.

    Since Nov 2006 • 29 posts

  • Robbie Siataga,

    Swing and a miss… cant hit a homer every time you step up to bat.

    Dirty sesh album gets released yesterday, the vids been floating round for the last 2 weeks, suddenly it gets mainstream hype and publicity by condemnation…coincidence ?

    Whoever sent it to ‘rape crisis’ and hit em up for a comment should be on MTC’s payroll.

    Aint no such thing as bad publicty. Kirk knows this and to succeed or at least stand out from the pack in hiphop these days you need a gimmick.

    The fact that hiphop audiences are so desensitised to violence and ugly art means they can view it objectively so…

    The vid itself is pretty well shot, staged, lit, edited and post produced. The tunes are meh. Director Tim van Dammen is certainly one to watch so hopefully he’s got a slasher feature somewhere in his pipedreams.

    All them organs must have come from Mike King’s homegrown porkers, I reckon. And is it me or was he a wayyy funnier cunt when he was eating caged pig on drugs ?

    I’d prefer to see hombrew get some NZoA love. They’re mad funny and hori as…


    In keeping with female equality aspect of the thread. I wonder what the reaction might have been if the script had been flipped and it was a female killer preying on male victims in the vid ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts

  • BlairMacca,

    I think Lady Gaga’s doing a bit more than getting her tits out. She’s much more interesting than that.

    Yes, she is also dry humping multiple people at multiple times. Call me conservative (im not) but that isn’t ‘empowering’ it is more going with what the guys want. I’m not a woman, but this notion of girl power actually creates the opposite effect. Also her music is not very good, which doesn’t help her cause.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2007 • 208 posts

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