Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?
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Any word from David and the behbehs?
Any word from David and the behbehs?
I’ve texted. We can only wait.
There are reports on Twitter of the Cathedral being down.
Checking in – passing cop car told us to store water, serios damage in city.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10707996# Reference Number: 3468575
# NZDT: Tue, Feb 22 2011 12:51 pm
# Magnitude: 6.3
# Depth: 5 km
# Details: 10 km south-east of Christchurchand that was just the first one…
person with a camera here: http://twitter.com/dyedredlaura
person with a camera here: http://twitter.com/dyedredlaura
This picture is particularly alarming.
Jesus. My brother is OK, and mum just texted and said “OK, v scared.”
Cathedral… http://yfrog.com/h79togj :(
Edit: looks too small. TV3 has a pic here which looks (slightly) healthier
Holy shit, my TweetDeck “throttled” the #eqnz tag then crashed. Twice.
I know this sounds really self-absorbed, but I’m trying really hard to stay off the phone and CTFD. People will check in when they can, and having a melt down at the other end of the country does nothing useful.
Megan Wegan, in reply to
This picture is particularly alarming.
I can’t figure out where that is. Manchester St?
have texted my geologist friend at the university – still waiting
Megan Wegan, in reply to
That’s not the Cathedral in the square. is it?
TV3 live coverage now – looks worse than the original quake, rubble in streets and obviously a lot more people there this time. Cathedral steeple gone. Shit.
TV1 on as well.
Am watching too. This is awful. Cathedral spire gone, but it’s the looks on people’s faces that are doing my head in.
Hope everything is fine at Haywood-upon-Avon. And hoping to hear similar news from other friends.
What scares me – after the first quake, there were lots of “We’re ok!” tweets from people. This time, the tweets are more “OMG”, and there’s also a distressing silence from others.
I really hope everyone is ok :-(
giovanni tiso, in reply to
there’s also a distressing silence from others
To say the least.
I particularly love the ambitious sweeping as it goes
Sky News has pictures. And TV1, now. I’m allowed to sit at my desk and cry, right? (Not to be all self-involved)
The airport is closed, right?
Sacha, in reply to
This is awful. Cathedral spire gone, but it’s the looks on people’s faces that are doing my head in.
Same – and knowing this time there are people under all that rubble. Have to be. Upsetting
TV3 has just started recycling footage for first time – been streaming unedited from field reporters in street. TV1 has an ad break with text ticker, had audio-only from a geologist or something when I looked earlier.
TVNZ running ads with coverage. Classy.
@Megan yes the airport is closed.
The Cathedral. http://twitpic.com/42dzk8
And that video in Sumner is terrifying.
Craig Ranapia, in reply to
Same – and knowing this time there are people under all that rubble. Have to be. Upsetting
That’s why I’ve just turned off the radio and television. This time, I just can’t see how there won’t be, at the very best, serious injuries. Until everyone checks in, I’ll just lose my shit at the first picture of a body on a stretcher.
Looks like TV1 up and running now but phone-in rather than on camera. TV3 showing people being led out of collapsed building
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