Hard News: Feeling Unserious
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The Velvet Underground
Better than Breaking Benjamin!
make up, better than… everything
although, the version on the album (__save yourself__) is better </sacrilege>
posting fail.
posting fail.I fixed it 4 u. Just the URL …
Leo says: “Fail is a noun!”
Sun Ra, out there on the perimeter …
Small Faces going absolutely primal at the Marquee club, 1966
Check the guys track record.
Miles Davis Septet, way out there.
I’ve also loaded up my kid’s ipods with “music I think they should like” … sometimes it’s worked sometimes it hasn’t – sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised – some stuff has become family favorites (MIA, B52s, even some Tom Waits) but they still pick up stuff that annoys us with its banality – I think that’s the natural order of things
We put all our CDs on a family (firewalled) in-home music server so they have access to everything we have for their ipods (except for the vinyl, one of these days I’ll spend a month and digitise all of it too) so occasionally I get a ‘Dad can we get X’ and I get to be cool Dad who already has the neat stuff at home
Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac. The original is still the best.
Soul Train clip featuring Aretha Franklin’s Rock Steady. It has one of the funkiest bass-lines ever, which EPMD sampled to full effect.
Embedding not allowed for this but…
Kraftwerk – The Robots
Embedding not allowed for this but…
Damn, you’re right. They’ve blocked it. Just click on the “from YouTube” text, folks …
for those who just heard Son of Dave on 9 to noon -
Joy Division!
some more “arresting images” from an interesting album collection
Oh man, this thread is going to be overrun with dad music.
Part of growing up is finding out what kind of music you like. My dad liked Simon and Garfunkel. I didn’t. My mum liked classical music. I didn’t. I liked De La Soul. My parents didn’t.
We all need to go through phases of liking music that our parents hate, of falling in love with shitty pop music just because it was the soundtrack to good times. And we all need to grow up remaining convinced that the music of our youth represented a golden period, the likes of which we will never see again, and that most modern music is rubbish.
I fixed it 4 u. Just the URL …
ta. will search/add more from home.
Miles Davis & John Coltrane!
But I still have an abiding hatred of disco …
We all need to go through phases of liking music that our parents hate, of falling in love with shitty pop music just because it was the soundtrack to good times.
my very first tape was crowded house, don’t dream it’s over. </shameful admission>
that only lasted till someone said, “jesus… at least try to listen to this” —> sex pistols.
i think i still have that tape in a box at the back of the wardrobe. wee fauns come through occasionally to sample it.
We all need to go through phases of liking music that our parents hate, of falling in love with shitty pop music just because it was the soundtrack to good times. And we all need to grow up remaining convinced that the music of our youth represented a golden period, the likes of which we will never see again, and that most modern music is rubbish.
Don’t mistake my tone. I was quite delighted, really.
But I’m down with the Hype Machine generation too!
Oh, and having finally joined a gym, Carl Craig is my friend. How can anyone do that without an iPod full of cool techno?
(that was in response to Robyn – disco was forced on us by all the media – BOTH radio stations when I was a teen – I was horrified a few years back when a baby sitter brought her disco oldies over to play – and she wasn’t being ironic)
my very first tape was crowded house, don’t dream it’s over. </shameful admission>
Oh man … I had two Supertramp albums on cassette before punk rock came along and saved my life.
Actually, I think the thing that blew my mind was Patti Smith’s ‘Because the Night’ on Casey Kasem’s American Top 40, to which I would listen every weekend. It was a serious what the fuck was that? moment.
I think I was saved by discovering blues and brit-ska – especially the british punky blues – and I’m happy that my son will also throw the Beat on occasionally
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