Hard News: Friday Music: Punk rock and all that
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“I’m in Love with Jesus” was in the charts a couple of weeks ago. This week Arise has the follow-up single “Jesus Be Our Everything”, which doesn’t appear to have a video yet. It’s not as catchy as “I’m in Love with Jesus”, though.
It’s amazing that the church is big enough that its members can get a single into the charts. But then One Direction fans manage to get random 1D album tracks to number one, where upon they vanish from the top 40 entirely.
China’s economic history since the late Qing rapped bilingually by a skinny white guy (not me!) in Beijing. just what you need for Christmas.
tis the time of year for sitting outside with long pieces of music with a cold one or two with ya dearest and nearest…
the latest Nicolas Jaar mix is dominating my attention right now – once again he creates a soundscape of found, borrowed and pre-recorded sounds that pay homage/tribute to John Lennon… its fab
for those whom like the bouncy chunky house styles favoured by Mark Farina get waltzing….
and for the festive, the techno dads christmas mix: “This is just like your average family Christmas, if your average family somehow ended up down the Berghain.”
I was going to say that the following track was about as un-punk as you could get: Nils Frahm, a classically-trained Berlin pianist with electric piano and synth arpeggios.
But then look at the way he fucks with the innards of that tape echo, and feel the way that he rides the very edge of control. It’s kind of ambient, but it would give you very strange dreams indeed.
Having only just been introduced to Frahm’s work, he’s very hard to pin down. A bit of classical, quite a bit of minimalist, the odd Berlin-school bass riff chugging away, often ambient, the occasional hint of jazz, but with chord changes that are pure heart-tugging pop. But the reason your post made me think of him was the phrase “people can play now”. Jesus, this guy can play! I love the piece above, but if we could embed Vimeo here, I would have embedded this piece. Once he stops playing his piano with toilet brushes (from about 1:50), it goes very Reich/Riley, but with the sort of structures and lush harmonic dynamism that purist minimalists would eschew. Even knowing that delays and loops are part of the sound, his two-piano attack is a jawdropping piece of musicianship.
bob daktari, in reply to
Jeffrey Lewis Low Budget Video History of Communist China
A Christmas song. Unfortunately we gave our boy Joey Ramone’s Ya Know (vinyl of course) last year for Christmas so this is a house earworm.
Russell Brown, in reply to
and for the festive, the techno dads christmas mix:
I love Techno Dads.
Russell Brown, in reply to
the latest Nicolas Jaar mix is dominating my attention right now – once again he creates a soundscape of found, borrowed and pre-recorded sounds that pay homage/tribute to John Lennon… its fab
holy shit that jesus song is awful.
they should sell it to other polytheists in ’Merka.
Geoff Lealand, in reply to
Sure is. Any chance of removing it?
Not punk rock but a refixing of Royals…
Che Tibby, in reply to
let’s start a petition
Russell Brown, in reply to
Sure is. Any chance of removing it?
Removing it FROM YOUR HEAD now that you’ve heard it, you mean?
Not a chance. BWAHAHAHAHA.
Christopher Dempsey, in reply to
Replace “Jesus” with acid or E. Makes for a more interesting thought pattern.
Che Tibby, in reply to
actually… i tried to imagine myself off-guts at margarita bar in 1996, and that song easily could have popped into a playlist without my noticing.
perhaps just after wonderwall, or “me so horny”.
Geoff Lealand, in reply to
I have resisted the infection, I thought this was a place just for the devil’s music.
Hebe, in reply to
Removing it FROM YOUR HEAD now that you’ve heard it, you mean?
Not a chance. BWAHAHAHAHA.
You’re a bad man. In return, because it will never go away, I give you
Richard Stewart, in reply to
I bet you weren’t imagining this version of Wonderwall…about as far from punk as you can get?
Tom Beard, in reply to
Oh, we’re doing Xmas music now, are we? :-)
I give you a mediaeval carol, in Latin, sung by Erasure:
Hebe, in reply to
Good God: PAS is becoming a chamber of horrors. Shall we call it the “Gitmo soundtrack”?
Tom Beard, in reply to
Hey! I actually really like it! Though not as much as The Quietus does.
Doors – 7.30pm
That Jim Morrison sure gets around these days. (I’m here all week.)
Sacha, in reply to
me so horny
stuck in a mate’s car cassette player for a whole summer
Sacha, in reply to
accompanied by an advert for WinXP driver updates.. yeah
one night at Zwines
final cop is amazing
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