Hard News: Fun like the old days
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I forget what all the events were that lead me to this conclusion, but it seems like ‘hacked’ now means ‘made public in a way that involves computers’.
Though I’m told a US court decided fiddling with the URL in search of something interesting constituted hacking.
Though I’m told a US court decided fiddling with the URL in search of something interesting constituted hacking.
Yikes. So I suppose querying successive IP addresses to see what’s on the end of them is right out. That got me more than one story at Computerworld.
But seriously: I’m okay with a court deciding that, say, trying to guess passwords for a secure page is not okay. But declaring “hacking” to have taken place when there is no barrier to entry at all defies reason.
Are those two videos supposed to be the same?
Are those two videos supposed to be the same?
They certainly were not. Copy-paste fail fixed now.
Either the person doing the telling or me may have been confused. For all I know it was about this dropped lawsuit.
Though looking at unprotected files can get you rejected from Harvard Business School.
no barrier to entry
Lange used to tell the tale of defending a man accusing of breaking and entering a phone box (yes, it was that long ago). Of course he boomed, a phone box is meant to be entered and you could do so without breaking.
Same thing
And Music in Parks is back with The Datsuns, The Bats and Clap Clap Riot at Nixon Park in Kingsland on Sunday afternoon.
According to the Council website this one is Saturday and Sunday is the rain day (or have they stuffed this up the way they did with the dates in the Movies In Parks flyer)
According to the Council website this one is Saturday and Sunday is the rain day (or have they stuffed this up the way they did with the dates in the Movies In Parks flyer)
Damn, you’re right. Why did I and everyone I know think it was Sunday?
According to the Council website this one is Saturday and Sunday is the rain day (or have they stuffed this up the way they did with the dates in the Movies In Parks flyer)
Well spotted Mr H. – according to The Bats it is as per the Council ie Saturday is concert day – with Sunday the rain day…
also if ya happen to be positioned in more southerly regions – The 3Ds are at The Bedford in Chch on Saturday night – probably on far too late for me – but great that they’re here…
plus for even older folk and interested young’uns Chants R&B are reformed and playing at Al’s Bar Friday and Saturday nights with Barry Saunders in support…
Fun, you say? (ta, geekzone)
Enjoy the Ruby Suns / Signer show. The new Signer album Next We Bring You The Fire is superb.
It is Friday isn’t it (possibly NSFW for some value of S)
Actually, I should have noted that the captions in that clip are pretty f$%#king NSFW too. Especially if you work for Campbell Live.
ah, telecommunications is not exempt from Godwin, then?
The other is the graffiti artist Askew One’s memoir of Morningside (the real one, not the Bro’ Town one). It’s beautifully written and illustrated and should be harvested pronto by libraries and archives. It’s history, bro.
OMG, so much awesome. Made my Friday.
OMG, so much awesome. Made my Friday.
Yup, worth remembering that our (as in NZ’s) take on hip hop culture, which is quite filtered and unique, is close to 30 years old now.
Gosh, that makes it “contemporary” :)
Seeing there is fun in the title of this thread, and it being Friday and all, some of you might enjoy the new tourist campaign created for the Danish Tourist Board by Lars Von Trier, http://www.theonion.com/content/video/denmark_introduces_harrowing_new
“Build a turtle fence” and “Problems south of Taupo” need entering into the word of the year. Well, not word, but y’know.
But declaring “hacking” to have taken place when there is no barrier to entry at all defies reason.
I suppose you could call it cyberspace tresspassing. But it’s more the internet equivalent of the SIS briefcase incident; sure, it’s not technically yours to look at, but if it’s just left there, well…
I nominate “Fucking Ego.”
.I’ll get my coat and go off to Denmark.
I would have thought by now that some bright soul would have passed a law with some sort of widely defined “unlawful access of a computer system” test that would catch almost anything. Of course I would be glad to be wrong on that one.
In tenuously related news, Danes have smaller testicles than Finns – probably toxins. Happiness clearly not correlated with big balls.
Regarding “hacking = accessing publicly-accessible URL”, something like that happened in the techie world.
Can’t remember the details, but some tech outfit were suing another for “hacking” their super-duper system and writing an alternative client for it – perhaps a source control system? It turns out the people who wrote the alternative interface “hacked” it by telnetting to an open port and typing ”?”, which promptly listed all the inputs that were valid to the system. Which is the entirety of what they incorporated into their alternative interface to the product.
some tech outfit were suing another for “hacking” their super-duper system and writing an alternative client for it – perhaps a source control system?
It wasn’t suing, but the outfit in question was BitMover, the makers of BitKeeper, and they got the shits with the Linux kernel developers when a third party did exactly what you described above. Way too many details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitKeeper.
And that’s where “git” comes from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)
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