Hard News by Russell Brown

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Hard News: Not doing justice

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  • Paul Campbell,

    Interestingly Gibson also claims to be part Jewish

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts

  • Tinakori,

    I bet he married a Maori princess too

    Wellington • Since Jul 2013 • 118 posts

  • John Morrison,

    This Gibson case doesn’t dismay me as much as the party activists who publicly criticize and undermine the leadership and party itself. All this does is show the public Labour is disunited. The leadership was selected by a very democratic process and all members, including MPs, are obliged to get behind them.
    Gibson did not understand the full implications of what he said. However, these opinionated party members are supposedly no fools but somehow they still want a National government.

    Cromwell • Since Nov 2006 • 85 posts

  • Ian Dalziel,

    I blame Shakespeare…

    can we get it out of the schools?

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts

  • Kumara Republic,

    which has become even less winnable with recent boundary changes

    Especially taking in Jenny Shipley’s former electorate.

    The southernmost capital … • Since Nov 2006 • 5446 posts

  • Ross Mason, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    I blame Shakespeare…

    It got lost on people when meat began to be sold by the kilogram.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts

  • Ian Dalziel, in reply to Ross Mason,

    Portia faces life…

    …when meat began to be sold by the kilogram

    But usually exsanguinated!
    …to keep those Shysters in the legal department happy!

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts

  • Graeme Edgeler,

    With hindsight, it’s clear that if Labour couldn’t find a better candidate than Gibson, it should not have stood a candidate.

    I don’t think that that is a serious suggestion. That is really not an option.

    Wellington, New Zealand • Since Nov 2006 • 3215 posts

  • Steve Barnes,

    he compared John Key to Shylock, the Jewish moneylender in The Merchant of Venice. The comment, which also declared that “many here have no idea what [Key’s] connection to the GFC is”,

    You could have just said “Money Lender”, most of us already have a clue as to who Shylock is but I digress.
    As to what Key’s connection to the GFC was, many don’t, it appears.
    To downplay this connection is to deny the people of this country the perspective needed to make an informed choice.

    ““I mean they sold products that in their heart of hearts they must have known they wouldn’t be repaid for so I can understand that bit….””

    The former investment banker knows what he is talking about.
    As head of global foreign exchange for investment giant Merrill Lynch he shifted a considerable amount of his business to Ireland in the mid-1990s to take advantage of a 10 per cent tax rate for foreign investors.
    The investment was a runaway success.
    “We transferred across the aircraft leasing business, the complex interest rates derivatives business, the entire back office for global foreign exchange and a huge chunk of private clients’ business,” says Key.

    [Article by Fran O’Sullivan titled – Key chases luck o’ the Irish – published New Zealand Herald July 20 2005;]

    He knew, just like he knew Kim.com. I would also suggest he remembers which side he was on in 1982, there is a pattern here, he tells lies.

    And that is not all…

    John Key pops up out of the blue and instantly becomes Nationals new poster boy and finance guru. Even his direct bosses at the Merrill Lynch bank were surprised at the sudden switch and thought he had a mid life crisis. Given John Key’s Strange absence of political knowledge and the way in which he avoids to answer direct questions about National policy suggests an alternative agenda, one that could very well contradict the interests of the people of New Zealand.,


    the following irrefutable proof from his very mouth and that of the highest sources proves he in-fact played a big part in the global financial crisis that afflicted the globe. That irrefutable proof came from former U.S. president Bill Clinton and the financial quackery was Merrill Lynch. Is it pay back time for some of his banker mates with the planned removal of the Tax and making New Zealand a Tax free haven for overseas investors? The financial world is like the mafia world, there are always favours to pay back.


    At least Gibson knows who’s side he is on.


    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    Gibson ranting in comments for a story about Labour’s difficulty in finding a Rangitata candidate. That’s a fairly astonishing level of unprofessionalism right there.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Kumara Republic, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    I don’t think that that is a serious suggestion. That is really not an option.

    Has ‘standing unopposed’ become a euphemism for ‘no one else suitable could be found’?

    It seems Gibson is the Opposition’s answer to Aaron Gilmore & Claudette Hauiti.

    The southernmost capital … • Since Nov 2006 • 5446 posts

  • Tom Semmens,

    It’s probably no surprise to you that I know a few people in the Labour Party.

    Perhaps you could do them all a favour then and try to be a bit more on message during an election campaign?

    National’s election strategy is to do a six week long poor little rich boy whine as a distraction to their lack of any sort of policy whatsoever, and this post is simply playing into their hands. After all, It isn’t like Farrar, Slater and the MSM journalists (including, it seems, Radio New Zealand) who use them as primary source won’t make sure it is covered in exhaustive detail anyway.

    Sevilla, Espana • Since Nov 2006 • 2217 posts

  • Rich of Observationz,

    Seems to be a difficult area, the Greens aren’t running a candidate there.

    If I was organising a political party, I’d obtain an app that required all social networking interactions to be moderated by someone sensible before they go out and ban any direct access to Twitter/Facebook/comments.

    But I’d also make all MPs cut up their parliamentary services credit cards and file expense claims for reimbursement only after they’d been checked by somebody in party HQ.

    Back in Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 5550 posts

  • Russell Brown, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    As to what Key’s connection to the GFC was, many don’t, it appears.
    To downplay this connection is to deny the people of this country the perspective needed to make an informed choice.

    Steve. You’ve just posted a video by the author of a tract called Are Jews and masons and Jesuits Consprting to Control the World?, which cites The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in its first sentence.

    I’m not having this bullshit on a site for which I am responsible. If you try and go there again, I will ban you.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Russell Brown,

    Oh. I see Cunliffe was bullish last December about Labour winning Rangitata.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Kumara Republic, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Agreed. The last thing the Left needs are ZOG conspiracy theorists in its ranks, or the perception of it. The link to Fran O’s article is legit though.

    Fran O’Sullivan: Key chases luck o’ the Irish

    The southernmost capital … • Since Nov 2006 • 5446 posts

  • izogi,

    “The comment, which also declared that “many here have no idea what [Key’s] connection to the GFC is”, was the kind of thing you’d expect from some nameless idiot on the internet, not a major party candidate.”

    I’d never heard of Steve Gibson until now. I won’t expect most people to be familiar with everything Shakespeare and good on him for withdrawing and apologising at least instead of digging in, but his posting and other random stuff, which seem to have been increasing lately, really reminds me of some of the ultra-aggressive sewer comments that seemed to emerge from about half way through Labour’s last term. (Angry jibes about Helen Clark being ugly, that sort of crap.) Almost as if certain people can’t really identify what’s making them angry, but they have to justify it somehow. Maybe the accesibility of the internet over that period has just helped to amplify stuff that’s always simmering.

    I guess all political persuasions have their sewers, but it’s a shame that the Labour Party has apparently let it seep into its candidates. It’s not as if this hasn’t already happened elsewhere, with other parties if not Labour (National’s high level relationship with the likes of Cameron Slater seems a bit bizarre), but I’d prefer that the upper levels of our political landscape weren’t being polluted so much by this stuff.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 1142 posts

  • Steve Barnes,

    Fuck off, Steve. You’ve just posted a video by the author of….

    something unrelated that some might find offensive if they do enough research…

    What the fuck are you on Russell? I posted a video about the Federal Reserve Bank not anything like the crap you linked to.
    I am curious to know what the fuck I have done to piss you off so much but not curious enough to care.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts

  • Raymond A Francis,

    It must be depressing for those who graft away because they believe in the cause , especially as Labour was having a good week
    I note Greg Presland was in a position to know what was written, pity he didn’t take down the comments
    On the other hand David Cuncliffe’s handling was almost perfect, no pussyfooting around, straight from the John Key hand book

    45’ South • Since Nov 2006 • 578 posts

  • Russell Brown, in reply to Steve Barnes,

    What the fuck are you on Russell? I posted a video about the Federal Reserve Bank not anything like the crap you linked to.

    It’s the standard Ron-Paul-John-Birch-banking-conspiracy tosh, although it does somewhat inevitably invoke the Rothschilds. I’d not be wild at the best of times about PAS being a venue for this kind of thing – Griffin’s other topics include Noah’s Ark and suppressed cancer cures – but invoking a raging anti-semite in discussion of a post about anti-semitic comments was particularly inappropriate.

    Your last contribution, the Jewish banker joke, set another thread in an unhelpful direction too. I am, for what I think are understandable reasons, inclined to be sensitive about this right now.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Emma Hart, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    Seems to be a difficult area, the Greens aren’t running a candidate there.

    It’s the electorate where I grew up, though it was Aorangi then and less rural than it is now, and it’s really depressing. It used to have strong branches of both Labour and Values. Now it’s unloseably blue, because it’s not like Jo Goodhew is holding it by force of personality.

    Gibson did not understand the full implications of what he said.

    I find this very difficult to believe. Why would you choose that word unless you were using it as a racist insult?

    Christchurch • Since Nov 2006 • 4651 posts

  • Kumara Republic,

    Meanwhile, the International Socialists of NZ have called for sanity over the whole anti-Semitism issue.

    Anti-Semitism, the racist fantasy that capitalism, inequality and exploitation can be blamed on Jews is one of the oldest and most destructive of the myths of race hatred that are pushed to divide the working class. Europe is the home of anti-Semitism, and Europe’s rulers encouraged and stoked anti-Jewish prejudices in order to turn workers against an oppressed minority instead of focusing their anger on their actual oppressors, the capitalist ruling class. This tradition led, through fascism and capitalism’s crisis in the 1930s, to the barbarities of Nazism and the Shoah, the attempted extermination of the entire Jewish people.

    The southernmost capital … • Since Nov 2006 • 5446 posts

  • John Morrison, in reply to Emma Hart,

    Gibson said in this morning’s radio i/v he repeated what a constituted said to him, not understanding the full background of the term.
    BTW I know the word but I didn’t realise the sensitive meaning of it either.

    Cromwell • Since Nov 2006 • 85 posts

  • Keir Leslie,

    It’s not possible for Labour to not stand someone in any electorate. But there’s no reason you can’t stand, a Christchurch based activist who travels down at the weekends and for the month before polling day, say. Which is what we have done in the past, when Tony Milne stood in Rakaia. If they’re just a name on the ballot paper, that’s better than this.

    Part of the reason it’s unwinnable blue is that pre-MMP, many provincial areas had a blue rural seat and marginal red/blue urban seat, which are now just mushed into a safe blue blue seat, particularly in the South Island.

    Since Jul 2008 • 1452 posts

  • Keir Leslie,

    Also! I don’t care if calling out anti-semitism is on message or not, it’s the right thing to do . Racism is absolutely unacceptable in the Labour Party and if holding that line means a few bad headlines I’m OK with that.

    Cunliffe left a massive hostage to fortune when he ran his mouth about Rangitata, and I think there was a bit of a panic when the deadline for candidate selection came and went and no-one put their hand up, and a few negative stories appeared about that.

    Since Jul 2008 • 1452 posts

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