OnPoint: “Smokescreen,” I scream
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Here’s my question:
With Labour and National competing to see who could beat their chests the hardest, and exude the most testosterone…
what the flaming fuck were you people expecting?
Yes, the last couple of elections have been a race for who could be the toriest, that’s hard to dispute. Still, a little more of an inward gaze on why your party and your ideology insist that so many of us should be incarcerated, wouldn’t hurt, Craig. “You people” seems to be your default setting, as if you weren’t implicated in any of this.
“You people” seems to be your default setting, as if you weren’t implicated in any of this.
Since I got off my arse and bothered to vote, I guess I’m totally “implicated”. But, not for the first time, I do find it less than useful to be assimilated into some bizarre Borg Collective. Much as it wounds my ego to admit, I’m not on the mailing list for those right-wing and homosexual agendas I hear so much about. Nor do I have a standing invite to sit in on Cabinet and do my best Heather Simpson impersonation whenever I happen to be in Wellywood.
Now, I’d like some meditation on why the overwhelming majority of voters went for two parties in a Laura Norder butch-off, but seem so fastidiously horrified at the (to me) blindingly obvious outcome.
But Craig it’s the hiding of that testosterone that’s so frustrating here. If you wanna be “tough on crime” then own up to it. If you wanna build affordable prison cells because your sentencing policies are putting more people inside for longer then own up to it.
This need to hide it behind spin du jour is what flaming fucks me off. (And yes, it’s Government. Sure. But this is another level up. And I still have the right to complain to the interwebs about it :> )
All the same, it’s your party in bed that got between the sheets with Act and Mr Garrett, not mine. Not sure that casting aspersion everywhere else, as if everybody but Craig was in fact part of a Borg collective, is a tremendously honest way to go.
I agree with Craig that voters are unlikely to be surprised by the chest beating over crime, and given his previous form Goff was never going to do much different.
However, it strikes me as the opposite of “ambitious” to build more prisons and hire more cops rather than do what’s needed to give all New Zealanders more reason for a constructive present and a hopeful future.
Actually doing something about training and jobs now would be a start, rather than trotting out the same lies about “thousands” in motorway construction. It is a drop in the bucket, one of the least job-intensive industries and not happening for some years anyway.
The local roadworks I’m noticing everywhere now are from the previous government’s spending, before Steven Joyce and co decided to divert it into big national highway-building projects which employ even fewer people per dollar. Funding those projects by cutting road maintenance budgets hardly seems ambitious either. Anyone who wants to see the long term results needs to look no further than Auckland’s decrepid footpaths and sewers.
The ignorant and deceptive spin about those fundamental choices pisses me off. I’m not holding Craig accountable for any of that just because he’s one of the only people here who are openly aligned with National. That’s a hard enough cross to bear on it’s own, surely. :)
between the sheets with Act and Mr Garrett
By the water cooler, you mean?
Hey, the space after italics problem is fixed. Cheers to the cactus elves.
Just to be clear, I’m not begrduging Craig that fact that he’s a Tory. I just wished he stopped blaming the rest of us for putting the tories in charge sometimes.
blaming the rest of us for putting the tories in charge
Not resisting their installation better seems a fair charge. Democracy and all that.
Just to be clear, I’m not begrduging Craig that fact that he’s a Tory. I just wished he stopped blaming the rest of us for putting the tories in charge sometimes.
Um what? I just find it rather amusing that people are so shocked at the notion that courting Laura Norder before the election will have consequences afterwards – and some of those might not be pretty. As I said: What the frak was anyone really expecting?
Not resisting their installation better seems a fair charge.
Yeah, maybe from a members of the workers’ party. Not from a freaking Tory!
Well, at least John Key is trying to do something about the unemployment figures
“We’ve got one of the lowest levels of unemployment. Now, we’re working to combat that.”
Yes, we won’t be beaten by those damned foreigners.
But now you’ve lost your job you will have the opportunity to buy your own state house Does anyone else hear the thundering hooves of market rents approaching?
Meanwhile Family Fist (sic) believes Forcing your kid to play rugby is good parenting.
Sheesh, and its only Wednesday. -
Smoke and mirrors…
Not so much Caucusobfuscation as Double Bunkum
I guess they’ll be “topping-and-tailing” by 2010 then…I agree with Sacha that more needs to be done to restore hope and self esteem in the ccommunity.
Why would you cut night classes and special needs schools (like Aorangi Primary in Chch) just to save money – the psychic equivalent of boring holes in the lifeboats…The country needs a heart and a brain, with less Testosterone and more Serotonin & Dopamine… 8- )
Elric The Eternal Optimist
Gottfried Leibniz Appreciation Society -
Um what? I just find it rather amusing that people are so shocked at the notion that courting Laura Norder before the election will have consequences afterwards – and some of those might not be pretty. As I said: What the frak was anyone really expecting?
It all comes as no surprise to me. But am I not the only one to suspect that it could come to something like this, or even this?
And as I mentioned in another thread, there’ll be a nationwide shortage of ambulances because they’ve all been deployed to the bottom of Norder Cliff.
the psychic equivalent of boring holes in the lifeboats…
Yes Ian. We demand interesting holes.
Why would you cut night classes and special needs schools (like Aorangi Primary in Chch) just to save money – the psychic equivalent of boring holes in the lifeboats…
Ah, but the responsibility’s yours Ian. While you personally might not have actively whored after Laura Norder, like all of us who are not privileged to be the One True Fanboy, you bear the collective stain. Kind of like original sin. When they come for your firstborn there’s nothing for it but to man up and take it for the team.
Though meditation might just help. -
Meanwhile Family Fist (sic) believes Forcing your kid to play rugby is good parenting.
Can FF find a put-upon “good parent” who isn’t a textbook example of a man with anger problems knocking his kids around?
To be fair to the rugby dad, he pled guilty and went on an anger management course. He appears to be shouldering the responsibility that McCroskie is desperate to direct anywhere else.
I’m just waiting for one of the usual suspects to implicitly blame the child. Or did I miss that already?
Though meditation might just help.
I have found recently that medication is better.
I have found recently that medication is better.
And so it is when you’re getting the real good shit legally. :)
Ah, but the responsibility’s yours Ian. While you personally might not have actively whored after Laura Norder, like all of us who are not privileged to be the One True Fanboy, you bear the collective stain.
*sigh* Well, like it or not vote catchers come with price tags and unpleasant realities attached. Sorry about that, but there you go and here we are.
*sigh* Well, like it or not vote catchers come with price tags and unpleasant realities attached. Sorry about that, but there you go and here we are.
Indeed. And when you find that mystical third major party which gets every policy exactly right, I will be right there.
Can FF find a put-upon “good parent” who isn’t a textbook example of a man with anger problems knocking his kids around?
Family First has a list of about 30 cases that they claim show the law isn’t working well. Some may fall within your parameters.
Can FF find a put-upon “good parent” who isn’t a textbook example of a man with anger problems knocking his kids around?
I doubt it. But let’s be fair here, bringing up kids is not all Disney fantasy “family” stuff. There are frustrations, demands and downright devilry. We are the grown ups, we shouldn’t resort to the same tactics as children, we shouldn’t have temper tantrums, sarcasm works wonders but you have to be clever. Something that the Fist brigade can’t aspire to.
Actually, it is a national disgrace for this country to have the second highest rate of incarceration after the United States.
Can FF find a put-upon “good parent” who isn’t a textbook example of a man with anger problems knocking his kids around?
They’re not very good at choosing their test cases are they? They’ve been compiling ‘victim parents’ for adverts during the referendum. No doubt we’ll find out all sorts of interesting things about them as well.
From Lyndon’s link:
Justice sector forecasts point to an extra 5,000 prison beds being required by 2018. Clearly, we will also have to build a new prison
Heh. Try ten new prisons.
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