Public Address Word of the Year 2009
It’s time to choose the Public Address Word of the Year for 2009. There’ll be a debate then a vote – and rewards from Matawhero Wines for the perceptive and the fortunate. Start talking!
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I think the word of the year is ‘Sorry” – with a silent ’not’ in front of it.
Caleb: excellent!
Icestralia: Noun. Portmanteau of Iceland and Australia. The belief that our economy can ‘catch up’ with Australia by doing the opposite of everything they’ve done.
McCully: Verb. (to McCully: third person singular simple present. McCullied: past participle). To decieve or mislead a person or group of people for no reason other than the mistaken belief that it enhances ones own reputation for cunning and political strategy.
Glibertarian: Noun. Politician who simultanously believes that all welfare and other forms of state spending should be abolished and that taxpayers should bankroll their luxury holidays.
Secret Agenda should get a special George Romero Medal for Zombie Rhetoric. It shambles along, is becoming increasingly incoherent, skanky and gross, but just don’t won’t lie down and stay there.
Special mention should go to Motherfucker which magically became the Swiss Army Knife of vulgar insults – simultaneously racist, “demeaning to women” and everything else but a startling reminder of the incest taboo.
I think the word of the year is ‘Sorry” – with a silent ’not’ in front of it.
And, once more, Madonna is saying what we’re all thinking.
Teabagging – verb. An act of imaginary political anger towards an imaginary Big Government. Highly common among loyal followers of Fox News. See glibertarian.
I have to say, though, that “Icestralia” is genius. I’m going to do my darndest to work it into conversation today.
Haraweary: How the Maori Party feel about their prodigal son.
No, that was 1992’s word of the year.
Get with the times, daddy-o.
Touché. Oh, and I should credit Conor Roberts for retwiti. Lest people think I’m actually witi.
I guess it’s not likely to be retarded
..and I guess we have had our fill of going forward, especially when Don B and his mates want us to regress?
..incidentally (and nothing at all to do with this topic), is the tour of The Civic still on for Saturday?
Porkbone politics
“White motherfucker”
Who would think it, let alone say itBut my vote has to go to;"Glibertarian: ”
Or Brashterian in fact I like mine better
Talk about a sense of entitlememnt
Has my vote!
Castastrophuck also a favourite (combo catastrophe/clusterfuck)
Porkbone politics
Ah, but to even being to analyse the role of Freud’s concept of projection in political rhetoric is well above this thread’s pay grade. I hope the not so subtly coded supersonic race-baiting we’ve seen from Labour recently is going turn out to be a polling flop, and end up being quietly forgotten… Win-win-win, to dredge up another ghastly cliché.
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