Posts by poffa

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  • Up Front: What if We Held an Election…,

    As someone said to me ' There is no point in voting the government always gets in.'

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Hard News: A week being a long time in politics,

    I find the fascination about what Key and Banks talked about a diversion. Banks has been explicit on his views of democacy. He joined a party that in its manifesto says;

    'Cannabis legislation is a human rights issue. ACT believes that the State should not interfere with the informed choices of adults which do not damage others. Freedom applies even if there is a strong view that the chosen conduct is self damaging.' from their website

    Banks says there will be no consideration given to changing these laws while he is involved with ACT. So much for democracy or the beliefs of the party he is part of.
    It would be understandable if Banks was against humans behaving as humans do when it comes to altering consiousness, but I believe he owns a few hotels dispensing harmful mind altering substances, so his opposition cannot be on on health grounds. I feel then he is concerned about the effect law changes would have on his business and this would be anti free trade. The implication that he seeks election to use the power as a lawmaker to protect his business couild be described as corrupt. And that the primeminister coludes in this and seeks to assist him in this demonstrates John Keys morallity. Not really the sort of behavior we need running the country.

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Hard News: Where are the foreigners?!,

    Just a small point, being in Thailand I resent being called a fulang, foreigner, and tell the locals when you visit my country we will call you a guest. And treat you as such. Sawadee Krup

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Sock-Puppeting Big Tobacco to…,

    I don't agree agree with the idea that smoking outside has no effect on others. What happens to the tonnes of ash flicked onto the ground and washed to the sea or is it that all the nasties are now in the air. And butts after filtering the toxins they are feed to the fish we eat. I have been on the beach in Cadiz where the Mediteranian meets the Atlantic and kicked the 1/2 mtr high football field sized drifts of butts on the beach and can't believe these have not in some way impacted on the surrounding population.

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Field Theory: How's that working out for…,

    Its not only lame, its not good science. I'm sure Wilhelm Reich would suggest the opposite if we wish to generate the energy to pull this off. sorry about the plagerising your pun

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    I thought it was another bit from Catch 22, do we call, ' help police' or help. police as the blows rain. Or the soldier in Dresden shot for picking up a teapot in Slaughter House 5.

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Hard News: Perception and reality in the…,

    I have to agree with most of your points apart from the social skills, there used to be toastmasters and debating and yoga.1998 Newspaper Clippings

    Crack-downs in prisons can only breed violence

    In competition with outsiders inmates excelled, particularly in sport and debating. Hardly a year went by when the Paremoremo team did not reach the final of one of the Auckland Debating Association's annual contests. At least five times the prison was victorious.
    from ADA site

    but I think there may have been some positive outcomes so have been discontinued.

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Hard News: Perception and reality in the…,

    And there's always the chance to be knighted selling beer

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bishop Brian: It's worse than…,

    Even if they make May Pole Dancing mandatory, I'd rather be supporting the party that holds these people accountable than those that pander to them.

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some Lines for Labour,

    I can't see how pruning a billion $ budget will impact on a $28 billion overspeand. Isn't money that is invested in kiwi saver, available for investment? which is what the government needs at the moment.I'm begining to wonder if there is not a M.Minderbinder working in treasury.

    auckland • Since Jun 2007 • 31 posts Report

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