Posts by Glenn Pearce

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  • Speaker: Correcting Auckland 2040's…,

    I heard Penny Hulse claiming that the blue out of scope changes were made because the feedback from the IHP to the council was that they hadn't upzoned enough in the initial draft plan to cope with the growth planned for Auckland.

    Auckland2040 however claim there was no such direction from the IHP.

    Could Ben (or someone) point to where exactly this feedback Penny Hulse refers to is documented as someone is wrong.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Speaker: Correcting Auckland 2040's…,

    Putting the awful process that is being followed aside, perhaps if the blue "out of scope" changes maps were published with an explanation of why particular areas were selected for the out of scope changes they would be better received and understood by people.

    Some of the changes appear to be random and bizarre to the average Joe.

    The initial plan was (I understood) for the upzoning along major arteries and around transport hubs (seems fair enough and logical). The latest out of zone changes appear to have little science behind them at face value.

    What it looks like to me is they have removed the pre-1944 heritage protection from areas they deem to be already stuffed because of the previous lack of protection having now done a proper review and once the pre-1944 protection was removed they upzoned everything by 1 or in some cases 2 levels irrespective of transport connections.

    I also believe they have been influenced by the cynical submission by Housing NZ to have individual properties upzoned.

    The removal of the special zone for schools and re-zoning them residential is also concerning as it allows the MoE to sell schools that are deemed to be "surplus to requirements"

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Incoming: Summer,

    Attachment Attachment Attachment

    It’s been raining all year!

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music: The year the…,

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Change for the Better, in reply to Jason Kemp,

    Righto, I'll make a point next time of going on a foggy day, skip lunch in Sausalito and make my kids ride the extra 15kms to Tiburon to avoid the Ferry queue. Sounds like a great day out :-)

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: Change for the Better,

    Ask anyone in Sydney or SF how many tourists enjoy walking / cycling over those iconic bridges and the answer is – a lot and they are all happy.

    Actually, having just done the cycle over Golden Gate bridge 6 weeks ago, I can tell you it's not as pleasant as you might think.

    It's 3.5 metres wide, non-separated, with half allocated to cyclists and half to pedestrians, both pedestrians and cyclists bi-directional.

    The cyclists are a combination on about 90% tourist who have rented bikes from Jefferson Street at Fisherman's Wharf and 10% serious sporting cyclists going (or trying to go) at speed.

    There are no decent sized pull out bays, the pedestrian lane is the seaward side and most of the tourist cyclists try to cross onto the pedestrian side for the views/photo ops.

    The steep road downhill into Sausalito has a single width cycle lane, non-separated from traffic.

    Try navigating that with young kids riding unfamiliar bikes.

    There are big issues on the Sausalito side too, the nearest free parking for bikes is about a kilometre from the ferry/shops/cafes, there is a pay and display bike park right by the ferry though which is not cheap.

    The ferries can only hold limited numbers of bikes and it's a first come first served basis, it's routine to queue for 2 hours+ to get a return ferry.

    It's basically too popular.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Speaker: Marcus King: A cocktail of art…, in reply to Peter Alsop,

    Thanks, hope a venue is found in Auckland at some stage. Smyth Galleries in Herne Bay had an exhibition of collection of the posters a few years ago that was fantastic.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Speaker: Marcus King: A cocktail of art…,

    Is there any information on when/where the Selling the Dream exhibition is coming to Auckland?

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State,

    Possibly, although I don't get that sense from the article, perhaps he could clarify

    On the face of it the original request for data that triggered this would be covered by OIA.
    Is this police "contract" a new thing?

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Police Ten 7 State,

    Unclear from the Herald article exactly what he requested, suspect it was "personal information" held about him by Police. This wouldn't be covered by OIA, but the Privacy Act instead.

    Presumably it wasn't a simple request for his own criminal record because he would know that already.

    Auckland • Since Feb 2007 • 504 posts Report

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