Posts by Shep Cheyenne

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  • Southerly: Life at Paremoremo Boys' High,

    My sister sat School Cert Science twice so that Riccarton High School got a better average on that subject and most of my mates were culled before School Cert for the same reason.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Up Front: First Footing,

    Do the old ruls on no Brown shoes once the sun goes down still apply?

    And I wish I had the balls to wear a cravat, or a cravat for that matter.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Up Front: First Footing,

    On a Logistics Exercise in Samoa heaps of guys got bands tattooed on their arms. One however got a unicorn on his ankle, which he found to be a mistake and the rest of us thought very odd.

    The standard wasn't high and they quickly became known as tire-treads.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Island Life: Still not over it,

    I've noticed a huge rise in adults & seniors riding tricycles with huge carriers - love it.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Southerly: Life at Paremoremo Boys' High,

    A very popular TD teacher at who taught at two of my high school admitted himself into Sunnyside for that.

    Also two really popular and otherwise good blokes did a bit of time, one for disposing of the pistol after someone topped his boss over drugs in the UK and the other for manslaughter after back dating mussels and a pregnant womans misscarriage after eating 1/2 a dozen pottles.
    Both were under 21yrs and I've got a lot of sympathey for the latter he should never have been convicted for that.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Debate and Onwards,

    RNZ noon has the cops praising the "It's not OK" campaign for the rise in reported violence, as not an actual increase but an increase in reporting it to the cops and not taking it anymore.

    Well done Russell.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Policeman at the Dinner Table,

    Damn, it seems the 17yr old kid who did the two bank jobs in Christchurch used a motor cycle, not the bus or a bicycle. Still good to know the cops considered it our public transport/cycle ways efficent enuf to be explored as possible routes.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Cracker: Heroes and Villains,

    @ verbwrangle

    Quite right.

    @ Damian

    All of your emails/letters are being cleared through legal/PR & just because they're called PR don't expect it. They have had a rocky road with the media, being failed/past members of it.

    Can I suggest again "Travel Insurance" for all Int tvl & if you carry expensive stuff Domestically!

    And while the flowers are flowing.
    AA + Ashley Tow + McGirr Motors for picking up my car after it rattled and then steering got stiff, so I stopped and rang AA. They then rang me and advised arrival time, opened the hood and pointed to the shreaded wire and rubber (I had looked but had not seen this) made a quick call and 1/2 hr later the car was picked up and dropped off at McGirr Motors. That was Sunday & by Monday my car had a new WOF & two new belts for $220.00, which I'm sure is a good price but it was even better service.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Cracker: Heroes and Villains,

    " It took several months, but they finally gave in."

    There may be another reason for this. If they found your daughters bag there would be no need for a payout.

    Has anyone here heard of "Travel Insurance"?
    Don't buy it for domestic but International travel it is essential.

    And yeah I guess I'm still loyal to my old employer, or probbably moreso my old workmates. After the big R so many have gone back to Air NZ.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Cracker: Heroes and Villains,

    Damien, buy a fraken Diary.
    You're just making noise now.
    The respective heads are just ignoring you because what ever they do will fail in your eyes. That said,they (through the baggage system) are trying to get your bag back to you. It's lost and the needle in a haystack has more than one meaning here, with you being such a prick about it.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

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