Posts by Stewart

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  • Up Front: The Up-Front Guides: The…,

    So some of these fools don't even know what their own position on gay marriage is?

    OK, I'm not that naive and I appreciate that most of them want to see which way the wind is blowing before cautiously indicating which way they might vote (the old 'hate to be seen to have backed the losing side' angst which a lot of voters seem to adopt every 3 years).
    And to think these morons have their lips sucking on the public teat... Is it any wonder that cynicism abounds?

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Up-Front Guides: The…,

    Can I just get clarification on something? This is a conscience vote, is it? Or is there a party whip & all the weaselly ones will be bound by a collective caucus position on it?

    If it is a conscience vote I just can't understand why these people don't know how they feel about it.

    FFS, if 2 people love one another enough to want to get married, they should be allowed to, regardless of gender. There's plenty of heterosexual couples that "bring marriage into disrepute" so we can't expect te gayz to fuck it up more!

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: John Banks: The volunteer did…, in reply to Lilith __,

    makes him look either totally incompetent or flagrantly dishonest.

    The 2 are not mutually exclusive and I would posit...

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby,

    It is immediately obvious that Mr Yiannopolous is a complete & utter douchebag. An absolute disgrace to our species and our gender (writing as a man, obv).
    The more sex-blogging ==> the less stigmatising of sex and the healthier a society as a result. It doesn't have to follow that this ==> more sex (although hopefully it would) so the more puritan throughout society can just STFU and let people air opinions and information in a consensual and enlightening manner.

    With the recent history of paedophilia and the sheltering of offenders, the Catholic Church has no moral elevation from which to preach.

    Now I'm going to have to distract myself* till the anger simmers down a bit...

    * Not a euphemism

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ..., in reply to Matthew Poole,

    Yeah yeah, break out the sarcasm. Each individual passenger, it's irrelevant. Multiplied by thousands of passengers over hundreds of buses every day, it's an enormous amount of time wasted.

    Matthew, while I broadly agree with the overall thrust of your argument I think you're getting a little too intense about all this time wastage stuff. Sometimes life needs to be savoured, not rushed through. And while I admit there might be little to savour while sitting on a bus, you're coming across like an efficiency-Nazi who might want to stop people taking coffee breaks or going to the toilet.

    We are people, not work-units, Just sayin'.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ..., in reply to Danielle,

    The prime of my youth, wasted!

    Yeah, mine too, but nothing to do with buses...
    West Auckland might have something to do with it.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: You're Telling My Child What, Now?,

    And yeah, that bit about getting a 'Mrs' and a 'Mo.M' is just so utterly facile it leaves me spluttering.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Up Front: You're Telling My Child What, Now?,

    Face it Emma, your kids are safe.

    As their loving mother you are their primary source of the values they will grow up with and you are lightyears ahead of Dr Miriam (whoever the fuck she is!) in that regard.

    As far as I am concerned 'Family First' should be renamed 'Family Fascists'.
    Cunch of bunts.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: If wishing made it so ...,

    It speaks volumes to me that the focus is on getting people off benefits, not on getting them into employment which is a much tougher ask.
    Getting the current shower of shits to actively promote job-creation in any meaningful form is total fantasy.

    They are cutting jobs, impoverishing more & more people & running totally counter to any avowed desire to improve educational outcomes (kids from working families generally achieve better than those from benefit-dependent families, I believe).

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Perfect Drug,

    Is the 'tar' inhaled from marijuana the same chemical compound as that inhaled from tobacco? You see these comments about 'tar' in reports, but to me 'tar' is a generic term for dark, sticky stuff and I wonder if apples are being compared with apples when such comparisons as Chris mentions above are made.

    Given that the 2 products (tobacco & marijuana) are quite different in their chemical make-up, I suspect that the tar from tobacco is not the same as tar from marijuana.

    Te Ika A Maui - Whakatane… • Since Oct 2008 • 577 posts Report

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