Posts by ScottY

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  • Voting Local 2010,

    I tend to vote by narrowing the list down to the candidates I hate the least.

    I start by crossing out anyone with "C&R" next to their name. Then I check to see if any of them have ACT affiliatiions. By that time I've already eliminated a third of the candidates.

    The next thing I do is cross out any candidate who uses the word "vibrant" in their election materials. After that I'm probably down to just a couple of candidates.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Cracker: Strike Nine (and counting),

    Either Hide is telling porkies or he's just an incompetent idiot.

    If I were a party leader and one of my potential recruits told me he'd been involved in a court case involving identity theft, I would want to see every shred of evidence involved with the case, in order to satisfy myself that the person was suitable.

    So either Hide did this and knew about the allegedly-false affidavit, or he didn't bother to enquire. If he didn't bother then he's a fool.

    Most likely he was looking for an excuse to knife Garrett in the back, and the latest story gave him the opportunity.

    Talking of which, I hear ACT has just announced its new policy to tackle knife-crime: install metal detectors in all ACT Party meeting rooms.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    when you say that you can't imagine who would do such a thing it is because the potential backstabbers are so many that it's hard to choose, yeah?

    I was being sarcastic, because there's one obvious candidate among many. They are singlehandedly keeping the House of Knives in business, for sure.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    I doubt this was Hide's doing, because it may be the end of him as leader. He will emerge from this fiasco terribly damaged.

    I suspect someone in ACT who has a reason to dislike Hide decided it was time for payback. And this has all occurred while Hide was out of the country too.

    I really can't imagine who would want to do such a thing though...

    You have to admit, it is manna to the Govt.

    Yes, Gerry really ought to show National's appreciation to Garrett by making him a duke or an earl. Gerry can do that now.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    While noting that he himself was breaking the law in doing so.

    While noting that he doesn't think anything will come of the breaches.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    Maybe the psychiatrist was trying an old fashioned treatment on Garrett: smacking some sense into him.

    Didn't work.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    Media law guru Steven Price has posted on this, and seems happy to relate details of what Garrett revealed.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    I'm assuming if there's any doubt that one of the media organisations will apply to have the suppression order lifted, or at least revised to allow reporting of what Garrett has said.

    I also expect the AG's appetite for chewing up bloggers has been sated for the time being, so I wouldn't expect bloggers to be pursued for reporting what Garrett said. But then I'm not a media law expert.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Orcon Great Blend 2010:…,

    In my absence, please treat ScottY gently. He's not used to being in public without his normal minders. As long as you keep the loud noises and bright lights to a minimum, he should be fine. And absolutely no jelly and icecream. Or alcohol.

    You forgot to mention soft cheeses, Rich. You know I go off my head on brie.

    I'm sure I'll be fine though, and I'll do my best not to hide in a corner (which is my default position when in a room filled with people I don't know)

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Orcon Great Blend 2010:…,

    My spare ticket is still available. I should be there by 7 and will tell the person at the door that a Don or Rachel will ask for my second ticket.

    West • Since Feb 2009 • 794 posts Report

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