Posts by andin

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  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest,

    I was going to critique at this late date Moons column, but cant be assed registering at the Herald’s site, so hope no one minds it’s here.

    those who know little about generating wealth, but thump their chests when it comes to demands for its redistribution.

    Oh not so subtle dig there Paul, you want to have another go mate. You know call people unlettered, unqualified, why not throw in “smelly & dirty” or maybe “unwashed” is more your style.

    Like a cork being tossed around on the ocean, New Zealand has comparatively limited control over its economic direction. Moreover, Dame Anne offers no example of the specific policies she blames,

    Nice metaphor there Moony “a cork in the water” yes it wasnt the dumb fucks running the place, They were innocent puppets in some dastardly plot. And obviously you havent been paying attention for the past few decades because there are no specific policies to blame. It is the false direction in which we have all been heading, or dragged OK!

    There are plenty of examples of nations throughout history with collective values whose economies have approached collapse (the Soviet Union, North Korea and Albania come to mind), whereas countries where the social values are much more diverse, such as the United States, have tended to prosper.

    Got a broad enough brush there Paul? I think you may have missed a spot over there.

    I am sure that if someone told a New Zealander in 1971, for example, that 40 years later, there would be people classified as being in the poorest quartile in the country owning more than one telephone, a car with power steering and air conditioning, they surely would have scoffed at the possibility.

    So you’ll just leave out the prices and the changed social conditions then. A prepay mobile is cheaper than a land line FYI, tho a cheap landline for internet will give a bigger down load cap that a Vodafone stick thing and applying for jobs it is virtually indispensable. Price is the last consideration for the consumer usually. And you try and keep you use down when looking for work! OOooooo power steering, my mind is agog. I think Paul virtually all cheap imports have power steering, cause like you, the manufacturers think its some kind of selling point, or it was back when these shitbox’s were made.
    You got in a car lately where the aircon is nothing more than in name only, of course you probably wouldnt have, unless you got in a students car. Ridden on any public transport lately? You know its better of you live close to the routes made 50yrs ago right? Done the economics of car v PT? I guess not.

    redistribution of wealth a doctrinal priority, a visit to North Korea would be an instructive exercise.

    And then maybe they could cross the border to South Korea and experience the sort of assertively capitalist economy

    Must be getting close to finishing eh! Got those broad strokes going on again.
    Got any idea of the power structure there have you? Or too inconvenient and running out of column inches are we?
    Just enough room for this eh……

    Maybe we could both take solace in the observation of the great economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who asserted that economic policy “is the choice is between courses that are almost equally good or equally bad. It is the narrowest decisions that are most ardently debated”.

    What if we are way off course? Oh thats right running out of room must finish with a zinger. Overqualified moron!

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest,

    I think one thing the Auckland occupiers really got right was not setting themselves against the Rugby World Cup, which would have been death to any idea of an inclusive action.

    It'd be like shooting yourself in the foot and I've seen too much of that lately.
    But action and thoughts kinda different beasts. And maybe the action benefits from the "right" kind of thought put into it.
    And Paul Moon's stupid drivelling critique, fuck me. One doesn't one need a qualification to write drivel, anyone can do it.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Occupy Wall Street, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    shameless plugs I know...

    Plug away... Looks good to me too, Listener review!
    I'd need to know who did it. Sorry I dont buy it or even grab it for a flick through anymore.
    The authorities really liked to stick derogatory labels to people back then didnt they. Funny they dont have the same sting they used to.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Retaking the Net, in reply to Sacha,

    I wouldnt say big, perhaps barrier says it better.
    And thanks to Sibylle for answering the duplication issue.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Retaking the Net, in reply to Stacezilla,

    It’s a crime that Blanket man can’t review the quality of food

    I somehow doubt much of that would go on.
    But even if he does, so what! and Library pc's arent anonymous.
    You obviously havent been poor, it is debilitating in ways you wouldnt know.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Truths well told,

    Both trailers look excellent.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Winning the RWC: it's complicated, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I think I explained my point well enough, but feel free to disagree.

    Oh I will some other time tho' hope thats OK

    I've written about the practical-creative thing before, at some length.

    Damn I must have missed those.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Retaking the Net,

    Current projects include a tool to browse the web anonymously, a computer hub set up in an inner-city soup kitchen, .

    good idea

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Winning the RWC: it's complicated,

    but because their success embodies a combination of virtues that speak to national character.

    Hey I dont mind if people want to indulge in a bit of reflected glory, or as an excuse to party.
    But anything else is a real (as is said) "bit of a stretch".

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Field Theory: All Blacks v Wallabies Tensionfest, in reply to Rich Lock,

    A shame Wales didn’t go through. That would have been a final with some heart.


    Now we mustn’t get complacent.

    What about Dave? ohhh that, too late

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

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