Posts by Mark Harris

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  • Discussion: On Copyright,

    Overseas the datacaps are gone

    Au contraire, the US telcos are just discovering the concept (although their standard cap seems to be 150GB, and people are complaining about that)

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    Are you sure about that, Giovanni? I know they have some weird shit about how replacements are selected, but wouldn't they have to hold a by-election?

    Although this would explain why Stevens refused to pull out when convicted. Strange that convicted felons can't vote but they can still stand for office...

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,


    Chambliss(R) 1,768,378 50%(Incumbent)
    Martin (D) 1,629,867 46%
    Buckley (L) 120,840 4%

    Buckley's a Libertarian, so I don't think he would have taken any Dem vote, and Chambliss has been fairly bipartisan which may have irked the right more than the left. I think this will go to the Reps, though (100K+ is pretty hard to pull back on a recount) and that will prevent the Dems from having a super majority

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    Update from Alaska:

    Stevens 104,564 48%(Incumbent)
    Begich 100,968 47%

    CNN have this as still too close to call.

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,


    Not Tyler precisely but Smith County (in which Tyler is located, but you knew that):

    McCain 54,995 70%
    Obama 23,628 30%
    100% of precincts reporting

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    Use the "|" character to separate your URL and your text, not the "/"

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    Minnesota at 99% returns

    Coleman (R) 42% 1,202,966
    Franken (D) 42% 1,200,649
    Barkley (I) 15% 434,270

    I can hear the lawyers being started from here. ;-) At 2300 votes, I'd go for the recount as well.

    It's hard to know who Barkley hurt more but as Jesse "The Body" Ventura's successor, he's not in the same league.

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    jon, we've had a good day, the best day. Don't fuk it up with yer spaced out dope talk

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    I think the Repubs are toast, as a single party. I heard one guy, I think on BBC, say that Obama had "broken the Republican coalition" and I think that is indeed what has happened. I don't think the Repubs as we know them can put it back together, especially if Palin is embraced by the 'base'. There are more than a few who have been Republicans all their lives who were not happy with the way the campaign went, who are tired of the theo-cons. I think the American right is about to get as fractured as our own. Which is kinda scary as that could mean no firm check on the Democrats. Let's hope the moral high ground lasts the term.

    Waikanae • Since Jul 2008 • 1343 posts Report

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