Posts by Tim Hannah

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  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys,

    Do we have skin in the game on let's play the complainants not the issues?

    Because by describing the events as being 'when a condom broke' you're presenting a particular version of events. You're pretty much saying it wasn't rape or anything close to it, and you're pretty much saying the complainants are liars. (And you may well be right, but we don't know).

    And if you're not saying it wasn't rape, it's only by implicitly extending your statement to something like: "when a condom broke and it is claimed a rape took place".

    There's a lot of downplaying of rape claims and playing of complainants here, either they don't matter or they are liars.

    If they don't matter, say that - a possible rape or two doesn't matter if it gets in the way of further important leaks of information, and quit whinging about being called misogynists.

    If you think the complainants are liars, stop complaining about playing people rather than issues, because your evidence amounts to "Assange is doing good stuff and some powerful people don't like him, so these complaints are false. QED".

    I don't think people are 'gossiping about that issue' I think some people are objecting to the downplaying of possible rape and sometimes not very implicit presumption of guilt on the part of the complainants.

    What's a little rape when we're talking about important things?

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys, in reply to Danyl Mclauchlan,

    That you have to go back in time forty years to find a counterfactual is significant in of itself.

    To be honest, I think it signifies my lack of penetrating thought about historical parallels rather than evidence that Assange is obviously innocent because some powerful people don't like him.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys,

    Now compare him to, say, Roman Polanski, who confessed to the anal rape of a minor and was allowed to travel around Europe for forty years without harrasement.

    Or compare him to Woodward and Bernstein, who released secret US documents, hugely embarrassed very powerful people and weren’t accused of rape.

    Edit - unless they were. That would make this an embarrassing post.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Republic: The rolling mall, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Skyscrapercity has text of a DomPost article no longer on their site

    Wellington City Council is supporting the $100 million-plus development of Johnsonville Shopping Centre despite a warning from Kirkcaldie & Stains that it will rip the heart from the city’s Golden Mile…

    …Mr Milford confirmed that Johnsonville Shopping Centre management had approached Kirks about a possible move out to the new premises planned to open in 2012.

    “We’re open-minded but Kirks has been in the same location 145 years and this is where our heritage is. We’re not going anywhere."

    You do wonder whether it was a serious suggestion, but it was a suggestion.

    I guess if your business is about gutting the CBD, you may as well be upfront about it.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Random Play: Alt.Republic: The rolling mall, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    Johnsonville mall is going to expand, maybe to the point of being a proper Mall destination thing.

    I'm pretty sure they were trying to get Kirk's as their premier leaseholder, but they wouldn't leave the city, or couldn't get a good enough deal, or something.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    So are we meant to now just forget that we know that the Saudis want to attack Iran, China is on the verge of cutting North Korea loose or that Pakistan is viewed by the US as a failed state?

    No, of course not. But neither are two women supposed to forget that they think he sexually assaulted them. Unless they are indulging in a politically motivated smear campaign - but I'm not sure our default assumption should be that they're lying. Access to justice shouldn't depend on how important the accused day job is.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys, in reply to nzlemming,

    Assange "preaches" openness of organisations and their leaders. The reason they don't do document dumps on Al Qaeda isn't that Al Qaeda isn't a government or corporation, it's that they don't have a source, as Assange has said. I don't think they redact names of political and military leaders (and nor should they) when those leaders could potentially be accused of crimes or (certainly) have their public standing fall as a result.

    If Assange is truly serious about openness, he should be more careful about driving competent people out of wikileaks. They might be needed if he gets got.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: New Old Left?,

    Craig, would it be possible to elaborate on what took place?

    If I remember correctly, Mark Thomas (National candidate) failed to hold his support and hence didn't deserve to be in Parliament. Why his supporters would complain about an outsiders role in his defeat is beyond me.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Hard News: iPad Impressions,

    - take Tony Hayward being shifted sideways at BP and getting a pension of approx one million plus per year and other similar banking types
    - is it their silence that is being bought?

    $1M is about how much BP was losing every 7 1/2 minutes last quarter. It really isn't a big deal bottom line wise. I don't think it's buying much of anything, it's just the done thing, putting into the office present for the leaving do.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Stop, Drop and Roll,

    Don't let Michael worry you too much Hayden, I thought the Snapper love was quite endearing - though could possibly tone it down in future bouts - first time's funny and all that.

    Actually thought the commentary team was pretty good, Auckland bloke was good on providing some insight into what was going on (when he wasn't encouraging excess drinking) which was probably useful given how many people hadn't ever been before.

    Y'all did good.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 228 posts Report

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