Posts by insider outsider

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  • Hard News: Tapped out and meanwhile ...,

    If the police have breached some standard or guideline, then maybe theose in Ruatoki might deserve an apology, as long as that is the standard response for anyone innocently caught up in a police action in the future.

    But I am tired of the special pleading coming out of that community that they deserve some kind of kid glove treatment because they are Tuhoe, Maori, or have some other unrelated grievance that they are using this incident to push a barrow over.

    There has been a definite beating up of what happened - the bus stories is a good one - to inflame the situation. It does appear some are loving the chance to wallow in their victimhood. It would be nice if some of them actually stood up and said that they were concerned that events in their community had reached such a point that the police felt they had to act in such a way. The way their reaction has been portrayed so far is that they have no intention of questioning what went on under their noses becasue it was all just rosy.

    In terms of the Abel Smith St thing, even the tenants said they were treated with respect by the police. ANd the TV3 film showed it was a low key affair.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report


    Not only that Margaret, but sealing off the town would have been futile as only a small application of the Force would have meant that Obi Wan Iti and his apprentice would have become of no interest and been told to move about their business.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report



    There is a conspiracy law but according to Broad it needs a specific target and intent. It can't be a generalised intent to cause murder and mayhem.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report


    Michael F

    You are being unfair to Broad there. He said he was very constrained in developing comparisons because he didn;t want to infringe the evidence restrictions that were in place now the terrorism charges couldn;t be laid.

    He admitted the supermarket comparison was a poor one but the best he could do to be safe. No doubt he came up with a brilliantly incisive and relevant one moments after the interview ended - like we all do.

    I'm assuming he couldn;t say something like "we couldn't charge them when they were saying 'down with the govt, let's get rid of them, long live the revolution', but when they started saying "how are we going to do that? Blow the beehive!', then we felt we had grounds to move.

    I'd raise another question though, the police are probably going to have to destroy all the evidence they gathered (according to Broad). Does this mean we will learn less than we could from the events? Is that a good result either way? Even from only an academic pov this provides a great case study and it would be a shame for it not to be fully examined.

    PS Bring back sedition anyone?

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Age of Reason,

    Ok so what are we going to ban next?

    Hell the police have to work really hard on Labour weekend because of all those drivers, so let's ban that. Even better, ban new years eve because they have to work even harder then, and sometimes people even get in fights and everything!

    I think we should ban candles too, because a lot of people use them irresponsibly and we have houses regularly burning down around the country.

    Oh and farming, got to ban that too because occasionally a farmer does something stupid during a burn off and causes a whole lot of trouble for some firemen.

    As an aside if Progressive want to be really socially responsible, why don;t they ban alcohol sales on New Years Eve? They would be making a real contribution to community safety then, wouldn;t they?

    PS Did anyone else have strange "don't go there" visions when Craig R wrote this

    "And anyone who screws with my pussy is asking for a world of hurt -- don't care how you do it."

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • Hard News: Scuffling and screaming on…,


    Most of the strategic bombing criticism seems to focus on the moraility of it rather than the objective of destroying means of production ie it wasn't accurate enough and so there were bound to be civilian casualties.

    The counter to that is, the war was a total one and relied on civilians to be prosecuted, so such casualties were acceptable as part of total war.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not so much evil as stupid ...,

    So not only did we lose we lost due to admisitrative issues overseen by a NZer, who incidentally denied Fiji in a much more faulty refereeing performance a few years back.

    Loved Steve Williams, Tiger Woods' caddy speaking on Morning REport this morning. He was asked about the AB performance as someone who knows a bit about performance under pressure.

    his comment was the "very very very best of teams have the ability to play their best when it means the most" and "the second half was the true examination of what that team was about and they failed miserably."

    He was highly peed off. He did not think a big welcome home was deserved.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    The All Blacks put a lot of mana on the heritage of the fern and living up to and respecting its values etc

    Some fans could do well to remember that. Winging about the ref should not be a core value of NZ rugby

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's the recrimination I don't…,

    The other benefit in losing ....not having to play the 3rd/4th play off!

    ANd I think Andy Milne and legbreak got it pretty much right.

    To which I'd add, they tackled liked demons, we missed two that counted given they only got the ball about twice. Imagine what a better attacking team would have done to us.

    We scored once from a back move and almost twice more in the first 20 and they never got the chance again. WHat have we been practising for 4 years?

    For the most professional and thorough thinkers of the game, we looked awfully out of our depth once the pick and go didn;t work in the last quarter.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

  • Hard News: A fairly weird encounter,


    In criticising National for not mentioning the war you should in fairness be pointing out that Labour's foreign policy on their website does not mention the war in Iraq either. The Greens don;'t even have foreign or defence policies, so god knows what they think.

    Lala Harre on RNZ today called Iraq the "most important global issue of our time". I think that more crystallises what seems to be a very strong left view as they seem more obsessed with Iraq and the US than most, and for the media who get a series of great stories out of it - particularly the not lamented Linda Clark who seemed for a period to have a personal mission to interview every single US soldier who had deserted to Canada.

    Labour and NAtional don't view it as that as they give it no attention in their policies. In fact Labour's priorities I thought were climate change and an FTA with the US.

    nz • Since May 2007 • 142 posts Report

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