Posts by recordari
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Hard News: Love you too, man, in reply to
Maybe I needed to listen to the whole thing, but this was my general feeling on Friday evening. Something something something 'not with a bang but a whimper'.
Perhaps there will by more. More FM? Heaven forfend!
Busytown: She loves you, YA, YA, YA!, in reply to
Fair warning: the main fairy in GOTD ain't no Tinkerbell :-)
Sounds more like a recommendation than a warning. ;-)
ETA: Today's canvas has a section called 'say it with a book'. The categories covered include;
'Fiction' - nothing to see here.
'Faith' - with a Dawkins and Jesus for the Non Religious. Irony?
'Chick lit' - no, really, that's what they called it.
'Teen Reads' - Little vampire women & Ross Kemp, Gang Lands Russia. Whatthe?No Karen Healey in sight.
Yes, we are just happy that they (our two 8 year olds) read without trying to dictate what. It was more a rhetorical question. As Islander says, the classification can put some people off. The 10pm Question is still one of my favourite novels in recent years. One I shall almost certainly re-read. Hardly seems worth trying to classify it. Then I also really enjoy Artemis Fowl, where the YA tag seems more appropriate.
As to the twins, one just read Logicomix, and might not have fully grasped Betrand Russell's logic, but enjoyed the graphic novel part, and is now reading What Katy Did, and the other is reading The Baby-sitter Club series. I might have my preferences, but I try not to judge.
Busytown: She loves you, YA, YA, YA!, in reply to
Anybody care to discuss what actually is* YA fiction*?
Hmm, a good question. Should 8 year olds be allowed to read YA titles? They do, but should they?
Busytown: She loves you, YA, YA, YA!, in reply to
Ooo, I particularly love your posts about writers and writing, Jolisa
Yes, and I also really enjoy YA stories, particularly ones with fairies. So look forward to getting the first, and already anticipating the next.
Hard News: Love you too, man, in reply to
They tended to induce me to shout at the radio, then turn it off for the sake of my family.
But as a mayoral campaign strategy, it was instant satire, after you regained consciousness from hitting your head on something hard.
Speaker: Dancing with Dingoes, Part II, in reply to
her upper cranium replaced with a steamed pudding.
ETA: I know it's unseemly to laugh at one's own jokes, but this seemed apposite.
Are we still on cakes?
Has this been reported in our media? Haven't seen it as yet.
We won the Pav! Hooray for us!
Yeah, ciao bella Mikey (it's the hair). It's been real. Have enjoyed his most recent stint on drive, and as you say, Vince is a discovery.
Missing the BDO next year, so here's some Bobbie Gillespie with French group Turzi, Baltimore.
Lovelock remix on Soundcloud ain't half bad either.
Random Play: Alt.Republic: The rolling mall, in reply to
Country singer crooning from the top of a straw-strewn stack more than once.
Ha, yeah that was sort of creepy. Like most straw men on soap boxes.