Posts by Paul Campbell

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  • Hard News: Getting dressed for the party,

    well Trelise Cooper just screams 1st XV rugby material …

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Hard News: Getting dressed for the party,

    The whole RWC seems like impending cultural doom - we were looking last night into cashing in all our frequent flier miles to escape for the duration - but it seems that most of the dates a blacked out .... we're trapped

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Wall and the Paper,

    Who ever thought we'd be bemoaning the fall of Truth ...

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Speaker: TPPA: It's Extreme,

    When the revolution comes first against the wall is the marketing bozo who named them "kiwifruit" and stole our national identity - living in the US I got fed up with amused Americans wondering why I thought I was a small brown furry fruit, I had to stop referring to myself as a "kiwi"

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Hard News: The digital switch-off,

    The big selling point of the switch from analog to digital was going to be that there would be more channels available on Freeview than the current analog free-to-air - this is going to make it a much harder sell ....

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Hard News: The First Draft,

    About advertising ..... when I lived in the US there were times when the whole country just stopped and looked, 9/11 is probably the best example - a lot like we've just seen here in NZ - the major networks would go to 24/7 coverage with no ads .... and there was a kind of obvious brinkmanship going on - who was going to be the first to blink, look at the bottom line and start running ads, or regularly scheduled programs etc.

    It's been kind of funny watching the same dynamic at play here - no one wants to be the first to run ads and seem crass and uncaring - but someone has to, eventually

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • OnPoint: On Price Gouging,

    An acquaintance told me of her son and his flatmates who are being evicted - they're students at Canterbury - several of them had just finished jobs for companies in the CBD that just plain don't exist any more - they haven't been paid - and the Uni isn't processing student loans etc - they can't pay their collective rent so their landlord has given them notice - their scummy flat is still standing and I guess he can get a lot more from desperate refugees

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • OnPoint: On Price Gouging,

    And in the Dunedin Bunnings there are whole shelves empty (stuff like generators) with polite notes saying that the contents have headed north

    If the were gouging they'd leave a few in Dunedin and bump the prices there too

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • OnPoint: On Price Gouging,

    So what's wrong with rationing? (rather than gouging) Gouging seems like such a blunt instrument to do something important (like making sure everyone has enough to eat). Actually planning disaster relief seems a so much saner response.

    I live in Dunedin, milk and bread are being rationed in our supermarkets so that there's enough to go around in Christchurch - it seems to be working well. Simply upping the price of bread in Chch is maybe going to result in stale bread finding it's way from Dunedin to Chch - but actually planning on sending half of Dunedin's bread north as it's made is a much more sensible plan.

    (last time around there were gaps in the shelves in our supermarkets - strangely it was mostly beer)

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Hard News: Again: Is everyone okay?, in reply to B Jones,

    Yeah I know the survivor's guilt thing - we lived in the SF Bay Area for 20 years and knew it was going to happen to us one day (that was supposed to be me up in that pancaked freeway in '89 - I was right there at that time of day every other Thursday but that one) - when we moved back to Dunedin we breathed a great big sigh of relief - but those pancaked buildings are bringing it all back

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

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