Posts by Chris Waugh

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  • Hard News: Food Show 2013: There is a…,

    We also had a chat to the man about quite how much rice Sunrice grows in Australia, which seems to run to several million metric Australian fucktonnes. Roughly.

    Where on Earth do they find the water for that?!

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Real Threat,

    Wow, is David Shearer finally trying to be Leader of the Opposition? A bit harsh of me, I know, but his comments in this article were quite refreshing to read.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Real Threat, in reply to Amanda Wreckonwith,

    maybe we’ll have worked out that the ‘war on terror’ is also largely ‘virtual’

    Or perhaps we'll have worked out that it is very real, but we need to do a little rectification of names and call it the “war on democratic freedoms".

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Cracker: Johnny Foreigner & the Auckland…, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    Racism? Bah.

    True, not racism, but it is rather redolent of a certain kind of prejudice common in Chinese communities. Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan vs. Mainland, Shanghai vs. everybody, Beijing vs. everybody especially Shanghai (mere merchants who wouldn't recognise culture if it grew in the back of their fridge) and Tianjin (they can talk, but their pockets are deep and their arms very short - never where white to a football match in Beijing (or green in Tianjin)), everybody vs. Henan, everybody vs. Dongbei... and when it turns to Han vs. minorities it gets a bit uncomfortably close to racism. And especially in cases like this, I'm not sure this kind of prejudice is terribly much better than racism. It's still singling out one arbitrarily defined group of people for your 2 minute hate for spurious reasons.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Real Threat, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    It’s very common for web hosting to share multiple sites from a single IP address, what’s called “name-based hosting”

    Which seems to get a few perfectly harmonious sites blocked in China because they share hosting with something the lads in Zhongnanhai would rather we aren't allowed to see, just in case anybody visits China then discovers their perfectly innocuous, totally apolitical site is unavailable. #collateraldamage

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Mirror of Our Selves, in reply to Danielle,

    Retro-futurism is the BEST.

    There was a blog out there called Paleofuture, seemed to move a bit, but last I looked it seemed to be going into retirement. Might be worth googling for, though, as it was pretty cool, if a bit US-centric.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Upside Down, Inside Out, in reply to Nora Leggs,

    Attachment Attachment Attachment

    Now that the internet is back up and running, like the kitchen – and it looks even better on laptop screen than on cellphone screen via China Mobile’s superslow hyperunreliable connection.

    Rainy day skyscape #1.

    Rainy day skyscape #2.

    And the road is alright, but the sign pointing to the Chaoyang District Civil Affairs Bureau is looking a bit washed out. Bit of a worry that the yellow paint invitation to buy fake documents is holding up better… Oops, even more of a worry that I'd forgot to attach the photo...

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Capture: Upside Down, Inside Out,

    Attachment Attachment

    Exercise gear.

    And might as well... sunset a couple of days ago was looking quite angry.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Real Threat,

    What a curious article. On the one hand:

    Major international syndicates all appear on the top 20 criminal target lists of Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Britain and Canada. "The results were telling," Clare said. "We are all targeting the same people."

    Funny these particular five countries would be listed...

    And then, of course, the usual "the internet is the portal to Hell" technophobia.

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

  • Cracker: Johnny Foreigner & the Auckland…, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    “house (insert minority here)”.

    I was thinking far more in terms of how many Chinese people refer to their own compatriots and co-immigrants. No need for "house [anything]".

    Wellington • Since Jan 2007 • 2401 posts Report

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