Posts by Paul Campbell

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  • Legal Beagle: STV Q&A,

    (note: I think that applying this condition is probably only fair if you take one more step and redistribute the votes of the 2nd last candidate as well)

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: STV Q&A,

    That I understand (that that's not what happens in practice) - I've heard people talking about using it to challenge an election in court if someone gets elected but doesn't get an absolute majority of the votes cast (which may happen if people DONT rank every candidate)

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: STV Q&A,

    oops that should be 5B(b)(iii) etc - missed the '(b)' for that example (edited)

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: STV Q&A,

    Graeme: I note that the instructions to programmers in the local electoral act works as you describe - but does say section 5B(b) also apply? requiring "an absolute majority of votes for election" to win at every step (given that 5B(b)(v) invokes 5B(b)(iv) which invokes 5B(b)(iii) which requires an absolute majority as mentioned in 5B(b)(ii))

    I've heard it argued that both the 5B(b) absolute majority and the instructions to programmers apply and to be elected a candidate must meet the most restrictive of the two slightly differing requirements

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Hard News: Hobbit Wars,

    Since we're talking about hobbit wars and class warfare etc I have some good news: WWI officially ends on Sunday

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: At least we have MMP,

    Not quite sure I've got the point of that -- I live just inside the boundaries of an electorate National's held since 1949.

    Then (assuming they have a giant majority) no matter who you vote for (even National) you couldn't change the outcome of the election - your vote would be wasted - under FPP only those who live in marginal electorates have votes that effect the outcome

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010,

    JLM : yeah - that's a weird list for a 'lefty' one - a really strange mix of the left and local businessmen

    It's also an illegal list - it's against the law to publish something that looks like the real ballot - (even with the 'not a real ballot' printed on it) - you can show people how to vote with some fake names - but that particular document goes too far

    (and I apologise for my posting above that somehow became mangled beyond recognition?)

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Voting Local 2010,

    Electoral Act 'bribery' is a tricky thing too - as one of our local candidates in Dunedin discovered - she got away with it by the skin of her teeth - she promised "If I'm elected I'll give 10% of what I'm paid for being a councilor to a local charity" (in a particular part of town) -

    If she had nominated WHICH charity (so a voter could know if they would benefit if she were elected) then it would have been bribery under the electoral act

    Section 125 "Every person commits the offence of bribery who ... promises .... any money .... to any other person .... in order to induce any elector to vote"

    Of course that sounds like just about any party platform in the general election "vote for us and we'll lower taxes". And yeah I think that the radio contest crossed that line.

    The names of the vElectoral Act 'bribery' is a tricky thing too - as one of our local candidates in Dunedin discovered - she got away with it by the skin of her teeth - she promised "If I'm elected I'll give 10% of what I'm paid for being a councilor to a local charity" (in a particular part of town) -

    If she had nominated WHICH charity (so a voter could know if they would benefit if she were elected) then it would have been bribery under the electoral act

    Section 125 "Every person commits the offence of bribery who ... promises .... any money .... to any other person .... in order to induce any elector to vote"

    Of course that sounds like just about any party platform in the general election "vote for us and we'll lower taxes". And yeah I think that the radio contest crossed that line.

    What was going to happen (or maybe already did) was 'personation' (section 128) - you mjust have to think that this sort of thing was rife 100 years ago if the various electoral things you can do wrong all have their own names that are not now in common use

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Cracker: Strike Nine (and counting),

    Why are they so upset about her brothel, she has - shudder - a finance company as a tenant as well ... now I'm not sure that shows good judgment . or character at all ....

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

  • Hard News: Fighting On,

    I can just imagine it - bunch of guys hanging out on the veranda of the local "tinnie house" - policeman wearing one of those old-style "most often nicked in a bar brawl" police hats:

    Policeman (bends at knees): 'ello 'ello 'ello what's all this then
    Culprit #1: nothin offica
    Policeman (still bending at knees - it's a low veranda and he's got the silly hat on): you're a tinnie house
    Culprit: #2 (all innocent like): no we're not offica, I and I're just hanging out listening to some good reggae
    Policeman (nails sign to the wall): well now you're not, you're an official "drug dealing house"
    Culprit #1: cool - got any aspirin?

    Dunedin • Since Nov 2006 • 2623 posts Report

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