Posts by Idiot Savant

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  • Feed: My Life in Curry, in reply to BenWilson,

    The foreground ones, shaped more like a small capsicum, sent me into convulsions, to the amusement of my children, when I made the mistake of taking a large bite.

    They look like jalapenos; not actually that hot on the scoville scale, but they're big, so I guess you can get a lot of pain from one big bite.

    (My garden is full of them after I failed to eat them all one year; now I have them as weeds)

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: Things worth knowing, in reply to Keir Leslie,

    Ethically and politically, of course, it is truly abhorrent.

    Yes. And that's what I'm focusing on.

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: Things worth knowing, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    As far as I’m aware, there’s nothing preventing any politician or political party voluntarily over-sharing instead of trying to game already weak rules. It’s not only bad on principle, but as you say bad politics.

    Yes. And I'm surprised that the Greens (who advocate change in this area) don't. What happened to being the change you want to see in the world?

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spring Timing, in reply to Matthew Poole,

    According to the bits in the Cabinet Manual that have been put front-and-centre with Collins' indiscretions, that perceived conflict is a big problem.

    Yes, it is.

    And the Cabinet manual is online; you can read the sections on conduct and conflicts of interest here.

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spring Timing, in reply to Russell Brown,

    No Right Turn says she declared no interests as an MP and it's unclear whether her declarations as a minister were sufficient.

    I should add: Adams' press secretary has provided some answers, and it appears she has behaved ethically in regards to Central Plains Water. As for the wider issue of the Canterbury dictatorship, I'd still like to see some answers on that.

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: Spring Timing, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I'm kind of amazed at how vague her ministerial declarations were allowed to be.

    They wouldn't have been. I've linked to Cabinet office's summary of those declarations, which sanitises all relevant details, so we don't even know which companies to look out for.

    But its all on DocumentCloud now, so we can annotate them in if we can find sources.

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Uses of Dotcom,

    That's pretty big news. Trouble is, neither David Cunliffe or Russel Norman actually say that -- or anything of the kind -- in the report.

    Which is pretty sensible, as giving a straight answer either way would render their actions open to judicial review for bias or pre-determination.

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: Crashing the party before it starts, in reply to Russell Brown,

    But mostly: I don't think the Electoral Commission would have bothered here had not Bomber's dumb free wi-fi plan come to light. He's quite the political strategist.

    I guess this is what not paying him $8,000 a month gets you.

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: We need to talk about Len, in reply to Russell Brown,

    legitimate anonymous donations

    You lost me about there. These people gave sufficiently large donations that Parliament has legislated that they should be disclosed. They got around that by manipulating their affairs. They deliberately laundered their donations to evade the law. And that is the very opposite of "good faith".

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

  • Hard News: Narcissists and bullies,

    TV3 just mentioned that one of the alleged rapists is the son of a police officer. And suddenly, everything becomes clear...

    Palmerston North • Since Nov 2006 • 1717 posts Report

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