Posts by Luke Williamson

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  • Hard News: Thanks, Steve. For everything.,

    Started on SE80 in 1991. Cost including 22" B&W screen, software and printer = $18,000. Oh yeah. I think I'm still paying that off . . . Still on Apple 20 years later and wouldn't change I don't think. Steve's only equal would be Bill Gates and he is so less cool. It's a hell of a lot of life to shove into 56 years and my hat is off to him. I give his memory a big man hug and await the fate of Apple without him.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: The price is that they get to…,

    I really hate Facebook but only because it is so totally user-unfriendly. I shut my account down because I loathe it so much. Does that mean that my business is going to fail? Is there really no hope for any enterprise if you don't join Facebook and have lots of friends and likes? Guess I'm on the way out after 20 years and several economic downturns and upturns. Sigh.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chill out: it's a party,

    Everyone having fun doesn't make for exciting news stories. Much better to keep harping on endlessly about how terrible it all was and, by extension, how awful we are as a nation at trying to do anything that them overseas can do better. Much like the All Blacks themselves - much more interesting to obsess about "rotation" than actually enjoy how well they are playing and how talented they are at playing any position at any time. Relax and enjoy.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Minister's Brain Has Exploded,

    It's curious to me that people keep saying that we never expected to see 200,000 people turn up. It was obvious a week out that the weather was going to be good and it seemed plain to me that 200,000 was easily achievable. And Len Brown and co. do have to take it on the chin because, for whatever reasons, they did cock it up. Not spectacularly as in a riot, but enough so that there was a bad taste for many people at the end of the night.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: An inspirational record,

    Can anyone give me a quick rundown of what the different formats mean for the @peace download. It sounds really beautiful and I want to to purchase but not sure what each is, other than MP3. Is it just bigger file is better?
    Skip that request - I just found the explanation on the site.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ...,

    I also meant to say that I purchased Bannerman album from Amplifier today (round of applause). Lovely album and happy to part with my $$ but got to Bannerman by two free tracks from other sources. Free downloads is also a good way to find out if that album you loved back in the 80s has stood the test of time.
    "Under the Milkyway" has special place in my heart as the theme tune to an extraodinary night of music, alcohol, drugs, love lost/won and a ride in a red Mercedes with the devil.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: And we may never meet again ...,

    I saw H&C at Powerstation twice - once with brass section and then just bass, guitar and drums 3 piece. Both spectacularly good but I think the 3-piece was just that little bit better for the sheer raw beauty of it. Seymour was outstanding. I also lost my hearing at Mainstreet for Midnight Oil. They started playing and I couldn't actually hear what they were playing for about 20 seconds because my ears were just squealing. That, and all that other abusive listening, is why I have the permanent high pitched friend (tinnitus) now.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: You know what ...,

    I would like to see the US response when an Iraqi hit squad takes out George Bush Jr on US soil for his crimes against the people of Iraq (accountable for a lot more deaths than Osama one would have to guess). We could see the measured and thoughtful response they came up with as Islamic students in Baghdad danced and cheered, and toasted revenge.
    The US still doesn't want to deal with the "why" of 911 and will no doubt be shocked and surprised if there is some form of retaliation from the assassination of Osama.
    I don't feel at all comfortable with summary justice being dealt out like this.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Hip in the Square,

    Thanks for the Tuhoe trial update Russell. I still find this a very curious and slightly disturbing case but hopefully, once it gets under way, we'll see where it's all headed.
    Highlight of my live music experiences recently was Three Houses Down who had 5000 people singing along to Bob Marley within 10 minutes of coming on stage, before suddenly breaking it down to a massive funk beat with horns blaring. Loved it!

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Floating the idea,

    I apologise if this is a repeat as I have not read the previous 5 pages of posts. I have just finished design/printing work on a new learn to swim programme for school children that is focussed on the Manukau area. I have also worked previously on a large school programme in the 1990s. Schools are the place to catch kids at a young age and teach them to swim. They are a captive audience, there is a pool (not as many as there used to be but lots of schools still have them - another whole topic in itself), and there are the programmes available that make it easy to teach kids water safety. There is little need to argue over social/geographical/financial boundaries. What is missing is adequate funding (surprise surprise) and the political will to make it happen. The focus is entirely on reading writing rithmatic and anything outside of the "national standards" is considered a distraction these days.
    Kids don't go to the public pools in the weekend to learn to swim, they go to have fun, jump, dive, brawl with friends, etc. Yes, they could go and have proper lessons but then you come back to funding and access. School-based swimming programmes can fix these problems quickly and effectively, given the chance.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

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