Posts by Jan Farr

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  • Hard News: Touched by the hand,

    OK - I'll try again with the ad show. 15 minutes this time.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Touched by the hand,

    Really? The Ad Show? Do I have to? I've tried twice - it's never got past the twitchy-finger deadline, which happens about ten minutes into the programme. It would have to be a nice surprise.

    Of course I'll watch Media 7. Great programme!

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    Shall we count how many Democrats voted for it? How many members of the UK Labour Party? Shall we pretend the Labour government in NZ didn't send troops? Christopher Hitchens? Hallo?

    If you want to lump the whole world into two camps - liberal and not liberal I suppose you're entitled to do that. What I like about this post is that it's trying to excavate some detail. As for sending troops - here's Wikipedia:

    The New Zealand government opposed and officially condemned the 2003 Invasion of Iraq by the United States-led "Coalition of the Willing" and did not contribute any combat forces. However in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1483 New Zealand contributed a small engineering and support force to assist in post-war reconstruction and provision of humanitarian aid. The engineers returned home in October, 2004 and New Zealand is still represented in Iraq by liaison and staff officers working with coalition forces.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    ...and jesus stop with the "liberal" arguement christaan,it's poor, the causes of this war lay predomiantly in circles who haven't had a liberal thought in their lifetime.

    Kia ora Jeremy!

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    Actually I think it has more to do with the fact that so many self-described moderates didn't take a stronger view against Blair, Bush and their fanaticism. They were too busy telling themselves how great Blair and the bombing of Yugoslavia was.

    Don't take it out on this blog, then.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    Keith, none of that really came across in your original post.

    Well as far as I could see, it was there for the interpreting.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    liberal apologists like Keith

    I didn't see that. I also didn't see that he approved of the US presence in Iraq. Rather that judging the whole on a part may lead to distortions of vision and that it might be more complicated than that. Seemed like a thoughtful post to me.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    Thanks Keith for posting this dreadful video. Of course it's hard to judge these children with guns, brought up on video wargames and George Bush's homilies and posted to an illegal occupation that means nothing to them, really. It's their leaders we have to worry about. I'm still optimistic (or at least everlastingly hopeful) that Obama will be able to have some moderating effect on this out-of-control military-industrial machine.

    My thought, watching the video, was that with all that wonderful technology and information at their disposal they seemed to be missing only a pair of high-powered binoculars. Perhaps there were men with guns there, but the film seemed to indicate that the men the soldiers identified as having guns were the journalists, carrying nothing but cameras.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Thanks for the link to Helen Razer's scorching blog.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready for the Big One?,

    called Plinian after a young eye witness.

    Please don't tell me that is a quote from Te Papa.

    That was an understandable abbreviation of an explanation at the exhibition that because of Pliny the younger's vivid descriptions of the eruption, those types of eruptions were then known as Plinian.

    Carterton • Since Apr 2008 • 395 posts Report

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