Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Just Friday,

    headless chickens suck balls...

    ...end of story


    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    agreeed on the bragging guys over a was fine for 88 but 20yrs later *yawn*

    can't you just record a bit of any song into a phone and make that you're ring tone. why would you want to pay for one, or is that not how it works?

    yeah you can also make your own clothes and think it's haute couture too...

    ...they pay cos it's legitimate instant gratification impulse buying

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    hah busted...

    Mostly kiwis in the london singing alt country songs of urban longing.

    sounds dead exciting. No really... *yawn*

    ...about media7 tho, it seemed the only ones making money was the vodafone ringtone guy cos thats what the kids were prepared to pay for

    weird eh??? kids get music for free but would rather pay for a ringtone...

    ...who would have thunk that. i just wonder what else these crazy kids would pay for and whether it might be worth asking them ???

    i mean, we know what the industry, the lawyers and the managers want...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conscious Party,

    heres a novel idea...

    ...why not ask a downloading kid what they want and where they see the future, find out if they care about morals and ethics of recordings industry and artists, that sort of shit ???

    BTW robbery whatever happened to kevin stokes ???

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio Times,

    Ok i'll try and be constructive here and no offense to all you radio listeners but...

    ...fuck radio :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    good riddance...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Rhian Sheehan and 50hz should have blown up more. Dei Hamo has always been good even with his most american of accents , but hey we don't complain when foppish indy bands sound pommy or crap reggae bands sound jamaican. I guess it's just what you gotta do to sound authentic ? Some of his tunes could still piggyback of savages hopeful success. Id like to see Chong nee get long overdue kudos as well.

    Actually Im still struggling to see understand how scribe blew up of 'the crusader' when he'd given his best shit to p-money earlier in the piece.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    I feel a song coming on...

    Go on now go walk out the door
    just turn around now
    'cause you're not welcome anymore
    weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
    you think I'd crumble
    you think I'd lay down and die
    Oh no, not I
    I will survive
    as long as i know how to love
    I know I will stay alive
    I've got all my life to live
    I've got all my love to give
    and I'll survive
    I will survive

    or maybe

    Yo man there's a lot of brothers out there
    flakin and perpetratin but scared to kick reality

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    ^^Chris Hocquard would be my choice for next NZoA head.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Debating Clydesdale,

    Your inability to debate this so far belies your lack of an answer to this problem.


    How could i have been so ignorant and racist. You're absolutely right. The drop in living standards, increased crime and an economic downturn is solely because polynesians have been migrating here for the last 700yrs.

    I totally agree the only answer is to keep them at home because they're lazy, stupid, breed too much and maybe we should deport the ones who are already here.

    How about we raid their houses at 5 in the morning, drag them out of bed and shift em off to the airport cos they'll all be drugged up and tired from a hard nights partying, rooting and criminalising and don't have jobs to got to anyway.

    ...would that make you happy ???

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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