Posts by Geoff Lealand
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Or like Swiss cheese, riddled with illogical holes and empty spaces?
I admire the enthusiasm on this thread but for all I know about the music being discussed, it might as well be Polish chicken-plucking folk music ;-)
i am pleased to see that the Screen Directors Guild of NZ is mounting a campaign in defence of TVNZ7 bevcause someone bloody well should be doing so. If this sodding government (in cahoots with TVNZ) gets its way we will be in the unique (but hardly enviable) position of being the only Western nation without a broadly available, public broadcasting service.
As we are celebrating the sweet and cheerful, everyone should get along to the new NZ film My Wedding and Other Secrets
A very good point, Hilary. Call me stupid but I thought being an editor of a newspaper means having responsibility for all that goes in it.
@Sam F I am all for some sort of organised campaign, as a SST subscriber and an occasional contributor to their Reader's panel. I wonder if a formal complaint to the Press Council is worthwhile but past experiences suggest it is rather a toothless animal.
Regarding the various discussions here (SST, Askew etc), I highly recommend tonight's Media 7, where Our Russell gives the editor of the SST a right bollocking, and Len Brown a lighter bollocking.
I must say that after a mis-spent childhood reading comics that advertised these things, it was a major disappointment to actually eat one the first time I was in the USA.
A bit like chewing on a sweetish sports sock. Did once see a great art piece (in Washington DC) of ‘Twinkies At War’–a reconstruction of a naval battle, made entirely of Twinkies.
In respect of Gawif Morgan, he is being a complete arse over the Maungatautari ecological mountain/island south of Cambridge–threatening to withdraw sponsorship money in order to deny local iwi a rightful place on the governance board.
If such a thing exists???
I think felafel should be the official snack of PAS gatherings.
I vote for the Kiwi As range of potato chips (the sour cream/onion dip or tomato sauce flavour)