Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    Who would have thunk it... sly Seinfeld-ian references in a sports blog!

    Points to Evan!

    @LB &Rob, yep it probably was 1968

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    Presumably, you mean they only successfully defended it once?


    Woulda been cool if you'd talked about this photo here...
    Marlborough v France? 1973? Jim Joseph?

    Nice spotting. The article didn't mention Joseph so I didn't click

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    And there’s something nice about winning it to nil.

    There was that.

    which chunk of the former Tasman holds the Sheild?

    They should play each other for it.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    and after some more calculation...

    On average Wellington hold the Shield for 3.6 challenges, which means at least they get to keep it until next year.

    Auckland averages 10.1 challenges before losing it and Canterbury 10.4

    But the team to watch for is Hawkes Bay. They've had the Shield 3 times and defended it 47 times! Which gives them an average of 15.7 challenges before losing it.

    Marlborough do better than Wellington in terms of defence. They only won it once, but defended it six times, making them the most successful of the single victory teams.

    The worst defender is South Canterbury who won the Shield twice (1950 and 1974) but only defended it once.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Horrors of the Past,

    Wait, wait. Is that it?!?

    Did I mention the bronchitis? You were lucky to get that.

    Wellington just won the shield FFS, is that all you have to say?

    Congratulations? Ah, I'm kinda winding you up.

    It was a good game, but nothing really to enthuse over. Auckland played terribly and lost. The real question is can Wellington hold onto it?

    They've won the shield 10 times (including this most recent win) and defended it 36 times. Canterbury on the other hand have had the shield 12 times and defended it 125 times!

    Wellington know how to win the Shield, they just don't know how to hold the Shield.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Twinkies and Pork Rinds,

    Over years of watching top sport while the rest of the household is asleep, I have perfected the silent cheer. The team scores, you leap to your feet, open your throat and punch the air. But there is no sound.

    Heh, I've done that. Expect with our creaky floorboards I can't even jump up. So I usually end up doing some kind of squirmy silent dance on the couch

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Island Life: We have ways of making you torque,

    I never thought you'd be pro-highway Tom Beard! :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Let's make some noise,

    Have to say I recall Russell's HD and not the other ... and I was sitting 3 feet from your Hadyn :-)

    As do I, I just noticed on all the replays that Piri seems to be a bit more... solid than he was before.

    I thought that final kick might've been like Homer Simpson playing baseball in slow motion.

    Other wonderful quotes from the ARU include:

    But the Wallabies won a tighthead brilliantly from the ensuing scrum, casting in to considerable doubt the All Blacks supposed scrum superiority, and then Richie McCaw was penalized yet again for offside at the breakdown...

    But with Kaplan’s patience stretched very thin the All Blacks were wary of any more ruck infringements and the Men of Gold were able to put together some consistent possession...

    The second half started as the first had ended with the Wallabies getting good quick ruck ball that they used in a structured and composed fashion. With just a few minutes gone in the second period McCaw was penalized again for slowing the ball down at ruck time. The All Blacks captain was pushing very close to receiving a Yellow Card...

    The Wallabies looked like they might hit back immediately as they put together double figure phases in the All Blacks 22 after another kick mistake, this time by New Zealand. But somehow the All Blacks defence held firm...

    And it goes on like that, makes me wonder if Stephen Jones is writing their match reports

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Let's make some noise,

    I have a high-resolution visual memory of exactly what happened

    In HD did Piri look as (ahem) rotund as he did on the big screen at the pub?

    Actually on that, at one point in the game when the All Blacks were driving over the ball after a long period of Aussie possession I knee-jerkingly yelled out "C'mon Black!" Beautifully, my friends answered with the same, then the whole pub erupted with insane yelling until the Blacks go the ball.

    I totally take all credit for the win.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Let's make some noise,

    Totally, none taken :)

    Well...look at it this way, if I had written more, you wouldn't have had your chance to show how much you thought of their win.

    To answer your question: no I am not shitting you.

    I possibly would've written more however I didn't see the game. Was it replayed on a free to air station at a reasonable hour? I didn't see it on the programme list, which, it's fair to say, is shit.

    Both the Warriors and the Paralympics took a giant boot to the nuts over the coverage they received (especially the Paralympians who are setting records!)

    Jeez, maybe the Warriors player who was overheard in the tunnel at full time was right in saying "..maybe now we'll get some fucking respect."

    He's not correct either I'm afraid. League will always be the poor cousin to rugby in New Zealand. There is no pretense to league (that I've seen).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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