Posts by merc

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  • Hard News: One Million Tunes,

    Bill and Tom need a hug. I get most of my best dad skills from Family Guy. King Of The Hill is good but Peter Griffin just understands kids, you know. We had a bebo incident in our family, no biggie, gave us all a chance to talk about privacy, boundaries, manners and sex, so a pretty good catalyst for a group (lecture) chat.
    The web is conditioning us, obey.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    That sand he put on Kohi came from one of me fav surfbreaks, Pakiri. Now I live at Muriwai and they ain't getting that sand either. Auckland is a harbour city, fix the harbour first.
    I freakin' hate jetskiers, the worst boy racers of them all, even tow-ins.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    The first thing Banks did as Mayor as I recall was to build a covered garage in the council car park for his Bentley? Then weasel off a ticket for hooning in the harbour on his jet ski with kids in tow? Then get sued for a shonky honey products business deal?
    Dude really walks the walk.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    Jeremy, yes indeed, I also run a 2001 500mhz iBook, everything works, and I buy my software. I do run CS3 on my 'doz 'puter at work but see no advantage money-wise to what I do with PS at home on OS9. I also run AuthorIt, it only runs on 'doz. Vista does not impress me yet.
    I have to upgrade the home 'puter soon, I'm open to any suggestions, but I have a strict budget and Leopard won't be backwards compatible with OS9, so I will need to purchase a CS3's a real dilemma.
    BTW, I'm a copywriter and a techwriter so I'm fairly good at reading between the lines as to puffery, benefits vs actual useful features.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    Voltaire, though he is often thought of as an atheist, did in fact participate in religious activities, and even had a chapel erected on his estate at Ferney. The primary source for this misconception is the line from one of his poems that effectively translates into "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." However, if one reads the entire work, it reveals Voltaire's true sentiments. This of course is not to say that Voltaire was a strict Roman Catholic, because he did indeed have many issues with religious dogma of the day. Nevertheless, Voltaire was certainly not an atheist as many would believe. Many also conceive Voltaire as an atheist because of his criticism for the Church. It may be pointed out that Voltaire's quarrel was with the institution of the Church, being the worldly body, not the existence of God.
    Voltaire also drank bucketloads of coffee per day.

    I'm running OS9 and 10.2, guess I'm screwed.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Speaker: Stink,

    Jerry to Addidas...
    Jerry: Lucky for you little sponsor man, that's not my mojo you've got there, otherwise I might have had to come for it.
    Addidas: Um, fine Jerry, we good now?
    Jerry: We'll be just fine when I hand my jersey over to who ever I reckon may have played well enough to earn it (and survived), and that's a big call that you'll never understand little add-nothing man.
    Addidas person calls other sponsors for a wee cry.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Speaker: Stink,

    Addidas: Jerry it's come to our attention you want to swap your jersey.
    Jerry; What's that you say?
    Addidas; Look Mr. Collins we don't want this to get, er, problematic, but we need to remind you and the NZRU that in the event that you attempt, consider or sponsorship forbid, actually swap your jersey during this or future events as deemed by the parties otherwise known as The Sponsors Of You're Ass, we would have to consider the ultimate penalty...
    Jerry; Wha? What ultimate penalty.
    Addidas; We won't give your Masters the IRB, Masters of the NZRU, Masters of the players...your mojo back. We have it, right here in the jar your overlords gave us for the said lovely kit, that we provide, at great expense to ourselves to yourself.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Speaker: Stink,

    While I'm on it, anyone else feel despair when the AB's are forced to do promo's for Ford and Telecom (in our house, Fix Or Repair Daily and Wankacom), would someone please negotiate for the players to get pre-script review and plain refuse to do anything promotional on TV that makes them look,
    a. plain silly (the little figurines TVC)
    b. totally demeaned (on the couch with Anton and friends!)
    I predict a break away franchise in the not too distant future. Meanwhile, perfumed performance jersey's to come to a screen near you, providing the AB's with a sweeter smelling WC victory! by (insert brand here).

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Speaker: Stink,

    Addidas: OK all you boys line up nicely for your shwag, bigger sizes to left, mind the camera crew, Byron, you'll be doing a little vox pop, take your shirt off on cue please. Come on coaches you get TV interview tops too you know, plus you must wear them in the stands during matches, no smiles please!
    AB's: God this is demeaning, Canterbury would never have done this to us...
    Ghost of Blondie; Shuddup you fool.
    Addidas; Now boys, very good, don't wreck the gear, it's ours (whispers, like you are), so no giving away your tops except in our staged events for camera sessions, and then only the socks and shorts, they're yours. Count yourself lucky, HQ has told us the beards and mo's must go, but we're going to let you keep them, for now.
    Have a nice day!

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Speaker: Stink,

    So who owns the digital rights to TRWC?
    The jersey thing is so wrong. Me Dad, who is over there bless him, ended up playing for 8 (count 'em) 8 provinces, played the Lion's, played for Harlequins and all that.
    We had all these choice jersey's in an old glory box that we could practice in (random selection, hmmm I'll play in Wellington colours today...). Swapping jerseys is the highest freaking honour you can give to your opponent, it says alot, let alone if a jersey ends up on a clubroom wall beside your life member inscription.
    Addidas, jeebus, what the hell do they know.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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