Posts by recordari
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Oh, I'm here. I'm just... watching. Don't let me stop you.
I'm trying to exercise some self control. Now there's an audience. Performance anxiety. It's a real killer.
And all this in a thread dedicated to my sainted mother ...
I blame Outrageous Fortune. After last week it seems there is no limit. And, strangely enough, it involved tables. Prison tables.
like topping up drinks, or organizing the music, or giving people name tags, or spreading some piece of information, or selling raffles, or taking a sweep on a game, or taking photos.
Starting to feel a bit like that right now. Anyone need a top up? Mind if I take a photo?
Thank you for putting a name to one of my medical conditions -- henceforth known as: "Danielle's Babbling Spiral Syndrome".
Yes, and in relation to the eye, gesticulating widely. Although I tend to call it dancing.
Ha! I don't think so. Not unless she was one of those strange 19-year-olds who are into 16-year-olds who look 14.
No comment.
So where are you on this scale?
24. What does that mean?
Umm, little bit afraid now. Thank goodness Emma and Megan aren't here too.
Have you ever noticed that 'umm' and 'mum' are really the same word? We just start using 'umm' when it becomes too embarrassing to yell 'mum!'
ETA: And there you are, Megan arrives exactly on cue. I'm hiding...
No seriously, that was freakin' eerie. -
I'm an inveterate chit-chatter, but after any social gathering I tend to find myself thinking 'christ, what a mad, squat little dork I am'.
Ditto. On here also. Although being 6 foot, not so squat as rakish. Self doubt is a bugger of a thing, but suppose it does lend to one's humility. Or something...
Tuning in, I guess I can only say I'm anticipating a climax.
What, hasn't it happened yet? I've already tabled a report.
ETA: Here I am on the bloody top again. Just sayin'.
Pish-posh. The nice thing about PAS is that 99% of the time the most annoying people are the necessary irritant around which forms a lustrous pearl of new perspectives, usefully provocative argument and downright entertaining filth. :)
Why, thank you. So my concern now is the only way is down. Peaking early. It's a national affliction.
ETA: It's wonderful when you miss a couple of posts, and somehow feed the innuendo stream without even realising it.
Carry on. -
We really have to work on this lascivious storytelling..
Bawdy limerick time?
A young couple in fair Birkenhead
were not having much luck in bed
on advice from physicians
they tried new positions
and now use the table instead -
I resemble this argument. 16 at Auckland Uni, and it turns out my entire first year of selected papers clashed. What to do? 19th Century bloody Literature.
As for urinating daffodils, there was a poetry interpretation assignment I particularly remember from 20th century lit. on ee cummings' 'We thank you god for most this amazing day.' I was feeling quite smug with my erudite offerings of biblical proportions, but the tutor said 'no, that's not what it means'. Oh, Ok.
So I majored in politics & philosophy instead. Less ambiguity. </sarc>