Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    So I think that theory doesn't hold.

    It totally holds because we are discussing how to revive rugby in New Zealand. People have lost interest in the current product, and in that product it's same old same old. Canterbury or Auckland.

    Remember how exciting it was when Hawkes Bay got to the semis last season? Or when BoP did it a few year's back? But when was the last time it wasn't a "top four" team in the final? Even Otago, Wellington or Waikato winning is a rare thing.

    It may be (deep breath) a New Zealand psyche thing. We like thinking the underdog can win.

    People will go to watch stars however. So if each team has a few big name players then fans can at least cheer them on (see: Beckham, David or Bonds, Barry). Hence the need for team parity.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    I thought I'd take a breath before my next comment...

    I like the idea of scrapping the Super 14 and instead having a Champions' League/Heineken Cup system of the best club teams playing each other. It would have the bonus of increasing interest in the NPC again too.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    On the other hand, the English football system is the most successful sporting organisational system ever. It might be awful, but by God it works.

    You might almost be right if you're talking about money only. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Major League Baseball is catching up quite quickly (note the large number of NY and Boston hats when you're walking about town)

    I hate the English system for the fact that if you aren't a supporter of the three big teams all you can hope for is to not be relegated or to the team that gives one of the big teams an upset. "Go team! Don't Lose!" What a fun thing.

    It's the exact reason I like the American systems. If we look back to 2000 we have:
    NFL - 7 different winners in 9 seasons
    MLB - 7 different winners in 8 seasons
    NHL - 6 different winners in 7 seasons
    NBA - 4 different winners in 9 seasons (stupid basketball)

    and in the football:
    EPL - 3 different winners over 8 seasons (in fact it's only had 4 different winners since 1992!)

    The Champions' League (the official title doesn't have an apostrophe btw) has had a different winner every year. However that is a "best of the best" tournament so you would hope for that outcome.

    So, I don't see how a tournament where the winner can almost be predicted before the season starts is going to interest people enough to watch it.

    Don't monkey around with salary caps and such. Accept that if you can't pay the money, that's not the player's fault, and move on.

    Not having a salary cap would be much worse, for the reasons above.

    Moreover you have the situation where fans of the smaller teams are constantly getting kicked in the nuts, because the player they were cheering for for years has been poached by a bigger team. (see: Senio, Kevin)

    Clubs must have more than 50% fan ownership. (Only 25% if the fans are ponies.)

    I like this idea, it needs tweaking but I like it.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    I really, really hope that’s a wind-up HG.

    Just a little one :)

    I have been against the Super 14/Cricket clash for aaages

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    BTW here is my plan for the actual tournament part (note I haven't put in the bit about promotion/relegation):

    Regular Season:
    The tournament starts in August and goes for 9 weeks. It will be a round-robin format with no bye-week.

    There will be a bye-week between the regular season and the post-season when the promotion/relegation match (see below) will be played.

    Each week during the season a game will be held on Friday night (kick-off no later than 7.35pm) and Saturday night (kick-off no later than 7.35pm). The remaining three games will be played on Saturday with kick-off no later than 3.35pm.

    There will be a two week post-season of semis and a final. The venue will be decided on regular season results (better record gets home-field advantage). The semi-final format is 1st plays 4th and 2nd plays 3rd.

    All post-season matches will be played on a Saturday with kick-off no later than 7.35pm and at least one game with a kick-off no later than 3.35pm.

    Competition standings:
    There will be no competition points and no bonus points. Standings will be decided on the win-loss record. (tie breaks not listed)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    Bart you've made some really good points but I have to disagree with some of what you wrote:

    DO NOT play Rugby during cricket season. I simply refuse to pay any attention at all to Rugby during cricket season it is just wrong.

    Or cricket during rugby season?

    Play more Rugby. ... Grown up Rugby should be a twice weekly affair.

    Televise midweek NPC games and play them at say 7 pm immediately after the weather has finished.

    Please Jeebus no!

    I cannot imagine anything worse than midweek rugby. Look at how popular Thursday night games are (hint, not at all). And don't say "more rugby" to the NZRU they'll slap an extra couple of weeks on the Super 14 before you can blink.

    Remember you are televising it for the NZ audience not the sodding English, they can damn well watch a delayed 'cast.

    I don't think matches are scheduled for the English market, only tests.

    If coaches are crap fire their arses.

    What level are you talking about? Because I'm fairly sure they already do that.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    So, on average, that’s one free game per team per season.

    Are you sure that’s enough?

    Sorry I misquoted myself: a minimum of one free per week. The "minimum is because I would sell games separately and not as a whole season. this means there might be three free games all shown on TVNZ in one week. It also means SKY may release games in the bidding process just so they don't have to show something for free. We could even have the phenomenon of games being shown on all channels!

    On a semi-related note, good to see the NZRU (well a subsidiary of it actually) has momentarily shelved a bit of greed and split the Quarter-Finals of the 2011 RWC between the National Stadium in Wellington and Devil Bowl down south. Great news.

    Awesome. Sort of.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    I bellieve the French mustard has to be between the teriyaki sauce and the sea salt...

    Ha! that's exactly what I thought of!

    I was referring specifically the idea of reducing the TV coverage to encourage attendance at the grounds.

    I would definitely agree to that. Though my plan only had the stipulation of one free-to-air live game per week, which I figure is enough.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    Didn't the ABs lose to them too?

    Only once

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Master Plan: No one…,

    BTW, it’s all over SKY Sport; England, Europe, even the A-League...

    aaaand ESPN. (stupidsoccergrumblegrumble)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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