Posts by goforit

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  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to David Hood,

    Would a driverless car respond to a police officer asking it to pull over and stop. If so who or what gets the offence notice.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to BenWilson,

    Hi Ben, reading the statement made by our great leader the Minister of Transport he states there is no such law that states a vehicle must have a human driver. With the way he has handled Uber or lack of would such a statement let Uber off the hook over the P endorsement problem by just having driverless cars.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    Oh god the geeks beleive their own bulls**t LOL

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    just read anotheer what I would think is insulting to the Uber drivers, in the past Uber drivers where called "Partners", now the drivers are just "dudes" that cost Uber to much money.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    Just read a bit more on these driverless cars, there will be two people on board to run the thing, one driver just in guide the car when required and an geek to run the computor that operates the car. Watch Uber drivers they be looking for more in commissions to fund this LOL

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    you missed the point, as the car is driverless and no one in attenance on the forecourt who is actually going to put the pump nossle into the car.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    Interesting point, if Uber does end being a driverless operation and as service stations are now help yourself, how is petrol going to be put into driverless cars as one would presume these cars are will be continuously on the road.and where they end up at the end of each ride could be anywhere.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    One has to give Uber full marks for showmanship, looks like they are putting all their eggs and the investors money into one basket

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to Alfie,

    Uber is conducting tests with driverless cars in Pittsburgh and elsewhere with Ford and Volvo. They’ve just bought

    Not true, when one reads this statement fully a driver is still in the car to take over when/as requied, the article goes on to say driverless cars cannot handle weather related conditrions like snow covering road markings etc.
    I think we all agree driverless cars are coming but fully driverless cars are years away.
    I still stand by my statement the driverless cars are use as a threat and or cover knock backs of Uber to divert attention.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to BenWilson,

    An app is part of the solution, but one has to keep in mind any app is only an communication tool, its an improvement in communication over the older phone/ Rt / data systems already employed for years in the movement of people from A to B.
    One must not put the cart before the horse, the problem of people transport firstly needs to be identifled especially in the Auckland region before any solution can be applied. Lets think of this first.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

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