Posts by Phil Lyth

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  • Hard News: Angry and thrilled about Arie, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    I would like to know who the psychiatrist was who wrote the report.

    The Official Information Act is your friend. Wriggle as they may, the Police cannot avoid responding to a request.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Legislate in haste...,

    A select committee would also have been an opportunity for policy to be debated - is a five-yearly census of every household still the best way to gather information in the 21st century?

    One op-ed writer earlier this year (and I haven't been able to find the piece) suggested that rolling surveys combined with a national register as done in Netherlands? South Africa? (I can't remember precisely) would give equally valid results at a lower cost. The current model costs $90M over the 5 year cycle.

    And various institutions would have been able to put their views. Economists, corporates, unions, yada yada. The question could have been asked, what does the seven year gap do to the historical series - does it cause a problem? (I don't know.)

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Legislate in haste...,

    I too was wondering why National sat on its hands for so long. Took three months until 27 May to announce the next census in 2013, and then another 10 weeks to introduce the bill.

    There was plenty of time for a short select committee process.

    The judicial review section of Matthew Palmer's Laws in the Public Sector course is fast approaching. 'Quinquennial' might be an interesting idea to discuss: what would happen if someone went for judicial review in 2013?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Is that it?, in reply to James Butler,

    So Vodafone classifies NZHerald as international as well? Its an interesting mix of sites I am having trouble reaching

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Up Front: How About Now?,

    The ZM Morning Crew's SAME SEX & THE CITY

    On July 24th gay marriage will become legal in New York State, so now we want to send the first New Zealanders to New York City to get married!!

    So a radio station is running a contest to send a gay couple to NY to get married. Tell me again why our Parliament won't change the Marriage Act?

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Like Minds, in reply to Rex Widerstrom,

    the “drunk” they’re about to throw in the tank is wearing a Medic Alert bracelet identifying them as diabetic.

    Yes, important to understand one can appear to be the other

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Hard News: Like Minds,

    the most difficult situation in live radio – the suicidal caller

    Yep. About the most traumatic morning I had at Parliament was receiving the call threatening murder and suicide. Very specific, very believable. 35 minutes on the phone and I was sh*tting myself. Police were excellent, and got back to me say they 'had things under control.' Anne from Parlt's employee assistance programme was great too.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Referendum Fact Check #1,

    To put Graeme’s ~2.8%-3.0% into perspective. If Hone wins TTT again, then to get 3 list MPs, Mana has to match the Maori Party’s 2008 highwater mark of 2.39% AND increase that by roughly a quarter. Given the landscape I think that’s, um, ambitious.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Referendum Fact Check #1,

    What has Sykes got to do with this? Surely you mean 'any party winning one electorate needs ~3.6 - 3.8% of the list vote to get four list MPs'. Which name is ranked where may affect how many votes are attracted, but not how the seat allocation is calculated.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: Referendum Fact Check #1,

    Ben, I suspect you are confusing Maori electorate seats and Maori representation.

    Farrar identified 23 current Maori MPs in April. And yet there are only seven Maori electorate seats. It isn't accurate to say that MMP doesn't / won't maximise Maori representation.

    I think it is fair to say that over the coming months there will be a lot of heat generated by folks talking at cross-purposes.

    Wellington • Since Apr 2009 • 458 posts Report

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