Posts by pollywog

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  • Hard News: Not in front of the children,

    lo fi guerilla television would be way more interesting...a gunge hit squad with water guns spraying the 'boobs on bikes' parade or a bucket of shit thrown at offensive personalities going about their everyday business by masked persons who then make a well planned getaway, filmed from a few angles and youtubed.

    that sort of thing:)

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not in front of the children,

    its henry's chipmunk 2 front teeth i cant get past. just makes anything he says laughable, even more so when he grins like an idiot. much prefer sunrise, though not when ali ikram is on.

    and screw the ratings. i'd like to see a jello wrestling battle of the gay breakfast weather presenters or tag team jello battle of the news and eyecandy co presenters, pippa and ally vs carly and ingrid, to decide top prog. my money would be on ally and pippa there.

    no point doing the sports cos cheeseman would waste pete williams but i reckon olly would have his hands full with a rabid paul henry biting his ankles.

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Strange Surprise,

    i have a comedown time of an hour and a half, during which i try to do nothing especially drive, after a good toke, unless i'm long hauling it and need to refocus/stay awake in which case i pull over, pack a sly cone then hit the road again:)

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    pollywog/Ben.Shirmer & - o dear- lil p thrice over eh?

    I will now completely ignore you & your sock puppets forever.

    i am neither of the other two but by all means please DO NOT respond to my posts as its plain to see your judgement and motives are suspect and have nothing of value to add anyway...k thx bye troll.

    then i want to doubt that:

    tech got us into it tech gets us out of it

    because we have been running down this road for a while and considering that first world culture serves as a role model in living standards, we should consider a change in our own culture towards living conditions with less environmental impact.

    i was accosted by some nice middle aged/class greenpeace lady in town trying to get me to sign the 40 percent traget reduction thing and i said, i dont think it'll make much difference nor that Key would take note anyway and she said, at least they're doing something.

    i had to laugh inside thinking, yeah you just increased your carbon footprint by cutting the trees to print the paper you want me to sign and used more petrol to get your crowd down here for a protest that will change nothing.

    it's nice that she changed her culture and all but for every one of her, there is a few thousand others globally taking up the slack in polluting/ trying to raise their standard of living

    so Ben...while i applaud your sentiment for a culture less intrusive on the environment, i feel its just too damn late. we've gone so far down the technology road we simply cant turn back.

    i equate the climate crisis to a cancer. if you were diagnosed with cancer as the earth has, you cant just change your diet and mindset then expect the cancer to go into remission and if it does thats fine for the short term but its still there. the answer is in the research and development of new drugs or in the earths case, radical new energy sources.

    climate damage was well done, even by the time of rolling back to a time of lesser emissions and you'd be hard pressed to expect businesses to care now and invest billions to clean up their acts when most are struggling.

    and in no way does the west have the right to limit nor enforce living standards to whatever it sees fit based on impact to the environment. We made our bed now it we have to lie in it and deal with the fact that others want as flash a bed as we have.

    God, we really are sheep primed for slaughter arent we and some of us are no more aware we're being led to the slaughterhouse than sheep in general ?

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Ah, conservative Christian conspiracy theories - just the way to help your cause.

    Cause...what cause ? But no, i'm afraid theres no room in my future for conservative christians.

    Wouldn't it be grand though if the next Einstein were an NZer and we could actually capitalise on new technology as Finland's Nokia did with cell phones, and leave the legacy of 150 years of cattle farting behind ?

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    If we were somehow able to terraform other planets, surely we'd also be able to re-terraform the one we already inhabit.

    ...that by its existence will eliminate the need to terraform and colonise extra terrestrially anyway.

    but it doesnt need terraforming, at least the bit i inhabit doesn't...yet, could do with a bit of aquaforming?

    and just thinking - go fuck yourself. just so you can add insulting to what little you think :)

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Does anyone else have faith that, as yet unforeseen technology by way of a scientific revelation will solve the energy crisis and eliminate the need to burn fossil fuels at all, thus reducing carbon emissions to practically zero when applied to industry and civilization in general?

    ala Einsteins relativity theory or Rutherford's atom splitting ushering in the atomic age and nuclear energy. Could we be just one insight and genius away from free energy ?

    Neccessity is the mother of invention and we need this new invention NOW, more than we need to roll back the clock to a time of pre existing levels of emissions and trade the surplus away in some bullshit scheme. Who wants to be the last man standing in a severe climate change anyway because in the long run money won't save you ? It'll probably just prolong your agony. Just seems back asswards looking.

    And i cant help but feel Copenhagen really is just a photo opportunity exercise in futility and lip service to a united inter governmental solution. Another weapon of mass distraction to fast track in a single planetary government and currency.

    Technology got us into this mess, its the only thing that can get us out. For all the talk of terraforming and living off planet, realistically that wont happen without a radical new form of energy that by its existence will eliminate the need to terraform and colonise extra terrestrially anyway.

    The danger is that any free energy device would be supresssed by the military industrial complex and associated oil cartels before blueprints for construction could be disseminated on line and perpetuating control in the hands of the super elite.

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    ^Hardly evidence and why bother with the gruff response? It demeans you.

    ...but yeah, dunno if animals at an abbatoir have an awareness of death anymore than jews lined up for the gas chambers realised what was in store.

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Also note the way the only major non-white character is an alien, because, as Stargate has taught us, all black people are aliens really.

    When actually, Afrofuturism posits the theory that its whitey who is the alien based on them turning up in big ships, funny clothes, weird skin and talking a strange language who surreptitiously rounded them up, shipped them off to the new world, forced them to labour against their will and essentially act as robots to be experimented on.

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    God you're all so gloom and doomy it's a wonder you have any survival instinct at all.

    How about we throw in some uncertainty principles like, technology and aliens, or alien technology:)

    It's fairly obvious voluntary reduction isnt going to stop global warming and trading in carbon credits is only going to make some rich fucker even richer and more likely to either survive the climate change or at least be the last ones standing.

    So on a personal level as a somewhat cynical and apathetic *youngun* what should i be doing? Is deferring responsibility to the govt and mutinational corporations about it ? Should i be thinking about self sufficiency at higher altitude ?

    somewhere else • Since Dec 2009 • 152 posts Report

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