Posts by Simon Grigg
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and I'm periodically reminded that I think like an American ....
I have a friend here in Bali. They carry a NZ passport but are of Dutch blood. The family came to Indonesia in the early 1800s and lived here non-stop until 1949 and independence, whereupon the government gave them two weeks to 'go home'. They were allowed to take nothing.
Considering the history I'm not having a problem understanding the anger that led to that but it underlines that no matter how long I live her, I don't belong.
And it's a weird feeling, as I feel rather like an alien in my hometown now too. My memories and thought s of Auckland are clouded by nostalgia, but little things like putting gas in the car or going to the supermarket, or the money, are no longer instinctive and require much more effort. There is an oddness (and I know it's just me) that I can't quite get over.
And Auckland International Airport is, I have to say it, just weird on arrival.
But it seems to stubbornly resist that in favour of provincialism.
Can I hail your bravery in saying that, George? People get very angry....
Only people in NZ I think Ben. We have full access in Asia
you carry on like you've been moved to Mars.
Thing is, after almost 5 years away, for me returning to NZ on visits can be a little like arriving in Mars. Not bad Mars at all but a pretty major culture shock after Asia or the US or just about anywhere outside Australasia. There are very few ways it isn't thoroughly and often quite dramatically different.
And I know a few folks who've found it either very hard or impossible to adjust,
Elvis, the Costello version, in the WSJ
I'd kinda like to hear Elvis doing John Denver songs, TBT. If he had the full Vegas band behind him...
Denver's stuff was never really epic enough for the Elvis (the Cheeseburger version)'s Vegas treatment. I do think that he'd have done a mighty version of Alison though.
Or the Jam without Weller. Which has happened
Weller's only spoken to Bruce Foxton once since the Jam split and never to Rick Buckler. He's pretty harsh in his words on From The Jam, as they're called, but I can understand why, they look pretty bloody dire.
Still, like The Specials...all the original members apart from one.......
I still have it....
Me's a tune whether it's on 12 or 7. I was so obsessive then I bought them all on any format I could find. I own about half a dozen variations on the sleeve of Accidents Will Happen.
I want to see the buggers face whem I get him to sign it !
I got lots of the aforesaid obsessive collection signed in the late 90s. He was very gracious about it
Though surely with McCartney the chances of the latest album not being worse than the previous ten must be increasing?...
He's kinda had a bit of a rennaisance in recent yeas. It's the early to late 80s which were the pits.
The last three or four albums have sold well, had very good reviews, and are kinda good. Plus, you'll get Danielle bearing down on you if you slag off Macca
I learned not to expect too much from EC when I bought the 12' of High Fidelity
At least we've worked out you don't hold grudges for three decades ;)
There were a lot of those back then as everything got banged out on 12" as well as 7". You can, I think, to be fair, blame WEA for that one rather than the artist.
Those wide grooves gave you the high fidelity though...
The band look like they couldn't decide whether they were going to do the gig or be extras for Mad Max II.
Sun Ra lived somewhere on the edge of another galaxy, although his alter ego, Herman Blount, lived in Philadelphia
I'm more concerned about these jumpers:
I'd gladly queue to see the Spatial Orchestra too.
As long as they don't skank in pork pie hats.
This stuff is very cool. I can see why Jerry had no desire to go back and I guess the ongoing income from the publishing of Free Nelson Mandela (which you hope these 'Specials' don't do as it had nothing to do with them) and the rest would keep him comfortable.
I subscribe to costello-l
Still? Wow...