Posts by Islander

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  • Hard News: SpinCity, in reply to Sacha,

    Sacha – that is a crude response and belittles you -will not continue any engagement with you ever again.

    In fact, given the sway of this site, wont ever come back.
    Bad cess to those huddling wee – closed minds.
    Thanks Russell, for being-
    byebye to all the people I enjoyed interacting with- nighty ra-

    Am just eradicating the PA site from my computers.

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Notes & Queries: In The Face of Global…,

    Except for Kai/Ngai Tahu
    nobody in the north remembers the massacres
    of Southern people by Northern people.

    Yes, we did what used to be the healing thing – intermarrying.
    We did it as Kati Mamoe. We did it with the group of Mamoe called Waitaha (until
    the name was taken over by a fuckwit pakeha nutter.)
    Annnnd- we did it as Pakeha (Scottish & English in my bloodlines-)-

    And, still, divisions remain-

    I am not sure the pain will ever go away-

    I am VERY sure that anyone, tribal or otherwise, starts making jokes or cartoons about Kaiapohia will be -deaded - next time they are on a Kai Tahu marae-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: SpinCity, in reply to Sacha,

    I’d caution anyone with little experience of problem gambling against minimising its impact.

    a) Dear Sacha know-all - you might notice I didnt mention my friends?
    for the very good reason that 2 of my friends (NOT family) are problem gamblers, and have done harmful & hateful things to their friends (not to mention their own families.)
    b) Sacha KNOW-LITTLE - dead is dead. People who kill people on roads (or however) ARE MUCH MORE FUCKING CULPABLE that people who -*merely WRECK LIVES*
    A long time ago, learning to deal with my families' history of alchoholism (goes back at least 8 generations) I learned that
    *while you are alive you can change. Forgiveness is eminently possible, and real healing.
    *when you're dead, you're dead.

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Cinema Scoped, in reply to Islander,

    O bugger!
    Sorry to double-post - but if it reiterates the message - all is good-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Cinema Scoped,

    Ian Dalziel: you are a top-ace bloke!


    Will be ordering more old views of ChChCh & other stuff, quite soon -

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Cinema Scoped, in reply to Geoff Lealand,

    an Dalziel: you are a top-ace bloke!


    Will be ordering more 'old views' of CHCH - they've gone down a treat with family!
    O, and other stuff-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: SpinCity, in reply to BenWilson,

    Yes, good analogy. If you get caught drinking and driving you lose your right to drive for a time. No such thing happens with disastrous life-wrecking gambling.

    Except a drunk driver can kill other road users...

    "disasterous life-wrecking gambling" is emphatically harmful but seldom results in death,

    I buy Lotto tickets.
    I am not involved in any other kind of gambling.
    And - aside from my
    mother's enjoyment of a very occaisional pokie session (majorly with one of my sisters in Ozzie-)
    nor is any of my family.

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Someone, Somewhere, In Summertime, in reply to Jackie Clark,

    Plus e Jackie!

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite,

    As someone who has very poor sight, a lot of this stuff just makes me go
    "O shit! Time to wash the lenses!"

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite, in reply to ChrisW,

    Heh heh- love it!

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

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