Posts by Charles Mabbett

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  • Hard News: Copyright Abuse,

    Having done some research I can inform PA readers that pumas are solitary animals except when they are in a litter in a juvenile state.

    Russell, I notice you didn't get any traction on the rumour about Langwell possibly getting the role as editor. Interesting. If it happens I wouldn't hold my breath in for any improvement in quality. But happily for RL it would reunite her with her 'award winning' friend who writes a weekly column in said publication.

    I dunno about you but for many of us with an Asian backdrop, the Asian Angst article Langwell commissioned was an unforgiveable piece of hostile polemic dressed up as journalism. We'll be watching this space with interest.

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Hard News: Copyright Abuse,

    I just finished reading Mr Pip last night to see if the fuss was deserved. I thought it was quite good. I'd give it a 7/10. But as I haven't got a handle on the competition it's hard to make a judgement on whether Lloyd Jones was overlooked against because he was antipodean or if the other book was better or if there were a myriad of other reasons. The Wellington part of the Mr Pip story seemed unnecessary and some of the writing seemed a bit clunky. Oh course it would have been nice for a New Zealand author to win and maybe Jones would have won if the judging panel were rugby followers disgusted by the Wayne Barnes show in the game against France.

    PS Did everyone notice the unusual fact that in the second rugby semi final that a herd of herbivores savaged a pride of carnivores? I'm assuming the collective noun for pumas is pride. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Music: Buffalo Daughter and Sissor Sisters??

    Don't for the eyeliner - that became trendy for a micro second thanks to Maa Nonu.

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    sorry, i see thats already been discussed.

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Who's going to be the hooker???

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    they're all crying in their red bulls over there in rugby thread land. It seems much more upbeat over here in femme payback land. haven't you heard that the all blacks lost .... ?

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Tom is being very quiet.

    But I guess when you're in a hole it's best to stop digging.

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Mind you, wait until the Beijing Olympics if you want to see full blooded baying crazy one-eyed nationalism.

    I agree that's a pretty loose and unsatisfactory news story about domestic violence in the aftermath of the ABs' loss on Sunday. It doesn't really fulfill all the journalistic basics - who, why, what, when and how. The main one - how many?

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    BTW - Really enjoyable post! Considering the case of the rise of the far right in Europe, New Zealand really has a lot to be thankful for. Go the Black Sheeps (could be a new name for the All Blacks).

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    Switzerland is brilliant at yachting though!

    Since Nov 2006 • 236 posts Report

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