Posts by merc

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  • Cracker: LOL,

    Yeah but RB, didn't you use to do that Friday morning slot on B..."Good morning mediafiles... and all the way to...Righto! basically without a script?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    I must confess, they tried to Christen me at Ruawai, I remember a thermos, screaming and a gaping hole where an eye should have been. Anyway, we need to dig deeper re the Pommes de terre and teh kumara, being as we will be shooting next to the Kaipara Harbour I'm thinking we need to do an analysis of all existing varieties of both kumara and potatoe, including all the colours, yellow, red and purple, I suspect these Cherman's are on to something.
    Meanwhile why is our workload diminishing? I need scripts and I'm thinking Dory might be holding out on us, it's not a nice feeling.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    5700 views and counting, Demon Dory Christ 666 can't have it every which way, he agreed in principal, subconsciously willed me to get more views than that 11000 view thread we did, we must hold him to his unstated word. Beides I have one more trick up my mercurial sleeve.
    I have been digging. I was in the cave with the Chermans and all they wanted to talk about was early Maori potatoes, something about medicine and patents. I got really bored, you know may be large part Kraut but my own people can be somewhat diligent. I left the Cherman's in the cave. I dug my way out, it's OK they have wired the first payment, I have it safe. Milo and I have talked, he's OK, but it's going to take alot of pidgeons to placate him fully, I promised him a covey full of pidgeon souls, he was up with that.
    I have been digging for pidgeon souls to save you people money. I also think I have a first cut scenario for , "Kumara or Potatoe, a Tuber Reflects."

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    That is of course classified, however in due course you will all be required on set. It will be a meths free set, though those of you who need it, being newly back from BF, quinnine will be made available.
    Helensville has been chosen due to it's proximity to Ruawai, Two Waters and the potatoe capital of teh World. Brush up people on your carving skills, we will be setting the new film in 1840, so potatoe prints. The Chermans also require Martin Luther in at least one appearance and possibly a Heidelburg.
    Good, to work and goodnight.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    On a typewriter?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Could you describe what it was like to use it?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Of course, please proceed. We had not successfully moved the action from the hut house, nor had we moved forward with the G. Though as The Existentialist Cyclist was genius. I note we have about 5000 views though.
    So John, where do you want to go from here?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    While fossicking about deep in The Lair of the White Worm, I noted a wall, light flickered there off the crysatalline dew drops of water refracted in the shaft of light coming from somehwere high above my head. A dessicated corpse lay there barely recognisable, then aghast I caught a glimpse of the leathery face, the opaque paper eye stared full at the wall, on which this was written,


    Touch me
    I am the fire

    You don’t
    know me
    yes you know me.

    Circling me
    quickens you
    to flee from you.

    Match me
    to the earth
    feel me at your birth.

    glowing coals
    are scars that yearn.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Hah, my brave few, I have been way out west, there are things that only an ancient daemon can do, and I have done them, for now. I have moved the speaking stones and arranged the meridian. I met with Black Robe and the villain. The murdering Priest still stands guard by the Tree of Life, I feel sure we can move him with corrosives, which are salutary in Hell. I found this on the corpse of the Fallen Seraphim, cut down by the Brightest One...

    There is a lie
    I have known
    I cannot tell
    it’s in another.

    Where is the other name
    I came here with
    I don’t know
    it’s in another.

    There is floating
    above my head
    a dread I’ve known
    it’s in another.

    Is it over
    this life of dying
    I cannot say
    it’s in another.

    I am dual
    my own dark other
    forever living
    within another.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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