Posts by Hebe
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Capture: Two Tales of a City, in reply to
apologies for photonic tinkering
What tinkering? Snafu.
This thread has got me thinking: what do I collect? Everything and nothing; I have bits and pieces of various emphemera and eras and interests but no one big collection. Diffuse and scattered and hard to find (that could get psychological. It's got me thinking that it is time for another cull. I do like good old horticultural and garden tools a lot.
I'm going to show this story to my beloved. Not in a threatening way, though I do remember a few years ago him getting an announcement in the post that a vinyl store had set up, and would he like to divest. The explosions of derision were volcanic.
Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to
I always hope that Key is vain enough to spin the wheel at the last minute
'S ok, Mr Crosby and Mr Textor will see you now
Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to
I've seen a National-friendly columnist in Granny pass comment on how obvious it is that National release pointless-but-headline grabbing policies at points when their reputation is on the line
Oh dearie dearie me. Key looks in off-guard moments like he knows his luck has turned -- there's a point in politics when the luck, the happenstance, the congruities fall out of sync.
The market speaks: "Sod off":
Authorities want work to begin on Christchurch's new metro sports facility and convention centre by the end of next year but have yet to acquire any of the land....
the CCDU needs to acquire 324 land parcels for the other three projects [includes green frame]...
It has set a December deadline for completing negotiations for those land parcels, but despite sending out letters early last month advising landowners that their properties could be compulsorily acquired under the powers of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery it has received completed questionnaires relating to only 103 of the land parcels...Some central-city landowners have said they have no intention of filling in the questionnaires because they see the process as an unfair land grab by the Government. -
Legal Beagle: Kim Dotcom: Questions and Answers, in reply to
Me, I'm just stocking up on popcorn. The show has only just begun
Yes! All the elements; and a grumpy and loaded protagonist firing up the lawyers. I particularly enjoyed Ira Rothken's deeply wounded sincerity on TV news a night or two ago: those American lawyers sure know when and how to emote.
BTW, Key's face is a treat. He's not used to not being able to move on a situation. I wonder what the smokescreen is going to be.
Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, in reply to
I wish I could photograph my labrador saying “garrumph” for you
How about a small video? : )When I have a weekend to spare I will hover with camera.
Capture: Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand, in reply to
Jackie, I wish I could photograph my labrador saying "garrumph" for you. Recently she has taken to snorting like an intolerant old duchess at anything that displeases her, quite often snuffling back to her bed or beside the woodburner and garumphing loudly and contemptuously at her subjects (me and the family). I find it funny and laugh, earning another reproachful glare.
Cracker: What Would Charlotte Do?, in reply to
Sorry Damian +1. You can't do THIS on Twitter, or Facebok. I do love how a PA subject curls off, loops in on itself and often meanders back to source.