Posts by mark taslov

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  • Hard News: Footnotes,

    Who has the concentration and stamina to be always attentive?


    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Kink in the Pants,

    I keep mine in a compartment.

    Mine take up the whole living room leaving just shy of a square metre in which to disco.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Footnotes,

    Thanks for the track Jose, nicely succinct.I'm sure even Mr Zimmerman would approve.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Footnotes,

    But it is interesting.

    That being the understatement of the century Russell. I eagerly await Mr Islander's arrival at the plate to defend the archaic pantomime. Most Poignant of all for me in relation to comments I've made in other threads regarding the transparency of trials is no matter how publicly the trial is carried out, something like this still came to pass and there's not a single thing all 4 million people can do to see that true justice is carried out. While at the same time your opinion as to whether a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand is relevant at this juncture.

    These are not the darkest times in New Zealand legal history. These are the times following, once your eyes have adjusted to the shapes and shadows that surround.

    To maintain the complacent self-congratulatory mantras that tell us it's the best system because it's what we have, because it's what we've used, because it works as a justification for not seriously discussing alternatives, flies in the face of back patting bank ads that tell us ours is a nation of innovation and new ideas. Murderers on the streets peoples. The time is now.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Kink in the Pants,

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Kink in the Pants,

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Kink in the Pants,

    Your mingling of 2 very different cases is, I hope, a bit of irrelevancy on your part. Going by some of your previous posts - I dunno.

    It's a great little 45, turn it over, the B side's even better than the A

    Once again Islander, there really is no need to be like this

    (humans cant be expected to remove what they know from their minds

    Which is precisely the issue. The system does allow that certain individuals receive name and identity suppression and are therefore subject to considerable less public scrutiny. Which is not by any stretch of the word, 'fair'.

    The cases aren't mentioned in the same post. In one case I question this man's chances of a fair trial in spite of excessive media exposure which may preclude the potential of many juror's selection

    in the other case I question the necessity for a victim's family to have to deal with very publicly made aspersions cast on their daughter via excessive media exposure for justice to be brought.

    New Zealand isn't a big place, there are not an unlimited number of potential jurors nor popular news sources. You have just abscinded yourself from the group who could potentially give this man a fair trial and I'm sure there are many others similarly partial to these reports who have already allowed opinion to manifest prior to hearing all the evidence. It's not that I question the veracity of most mainstream local media reports. My concern is that based on what you just said Islander, ascribable to information garnered independently by your fine self or broadcast to you in your home prior to this case having had its jury selected, that there is no doubt.

    begging the question, in the quest for justice in NZ, who stands taller and reaches farther:

    the Media or the Courts?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Kink in the Pants,

    Ah.. yes Mellopuffy I was waiting for someone to bring that up...bad example or.... knowing what you know, if you were selected as a juror could you be sure for your part that this man would receive a fair trial?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Kink in the Pants,

    We'll I'm a great believer that if you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear

    Until you're a French rugby player who gets the bash after a test match. Remarkable in light of this that the police are canvassing the population for footage of the incident.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Kink in the Pants,

    Also for the record, I wasn't suggesting anything secret, more delayed coverage by media (suppression until case reaches verdict), and single source unedited (recorded) footage of cases as they unfold.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

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