Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Southerly: At the RWMC with Alan Bollard,

    Bollard: noun; Nautical. 1. A thick low Post 2. A thin Post with a few lines attached.

    How strangely apt.......

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: E=mc^2... Your Views,

    Nothing's new. I learnt that equation when I was in school anyway. That Albert, he was always copying things.

    I always thought Einstein that what you did when ordering one beer......maybe he did end up bitter, pale, and twist-topped.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    Where were the road spikes?

    Check this video out. I suspect that given they are able to stop the traffic it may have been possible to lay them out across the whole road here. They obviously knew the guy was heading this way. Note the number of cop cars at this particular intersection. I thought a fair proportion of them have the spikes in the boot??? It may not have been an ideal place but at least they were able to set up a moving block on the Mway so maybe they could have spiked the Mway somewhere less populated. Supposition of course.

    I forgot to mention in my first post that all 4/5 shots missed the intended target..........

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Weird Day in the Hood,

    Checking a few newsclips and some interesting bits emerged. 1. Where were the road spikes? 2. "The person was known to the Police" if so then the chopper had him in view the whole time. Follow the car and wait rather than chase with god knows how many cars in hot pursuit. There are no tunnels in Auckland so car parks might be the only place the guy could have disappeared into. 3. "Cordon, contain and negotiate" These are 3 of the Police commandments. Which one did they attempt to use? 4. I always assumed that the sanctity of life (crooked or innocent) was one of the prime movers of the New Zealand I live in. Over the last few years it seems to have been moved to the back burner. vis a vis Waitara, Whangarei and now the NW motorway. 5. After watching a few days of Police in Black training on pistol and rifle ranges, I am of the opinion the source of their training might be usefully changed to anywhere except the USA. What stood out was the reflex shooting "skills" that each was being trained in. The need to shoot a "Body Mass" rather than a "person" seemed the requisite skill necessary to get an armed "good guy" to shoot somebody. The result seems to be significant escalation at the incidents lately. Something big is amiss here.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: From soundbite to policy,

    One week. Umm... Lets ignore some good scientific analysis of the efficacy of drugs and the expected bang for the buck. Umm...Lets try and outdo the Climate Change Brigade and declare war on the science behind it. Ummm...Our kids are the highest acheivers of the ENGLISH speaking countries in science. Umm.. The Minister of Ed will now tell us what our kids will learn.

    Golly...I DO hope he is not a Baptist! That makes it just a signiture away from looney Intelligent Design into the schools.

    There has to be a connection.

    Are the NAtS young enough to go through school when they were teaching astrology in the science curriculum? Or maybe they ARE 9 years old and have no clue what the subject can tell them.

    Political expediency 4. Science 0.

    Would all the goalkeepers in the country stand in front and stop the score getting any worse. PLEASE!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Sir Roger Tipped As New…,

    Every Zoo in the country should beware. Zoozan Wood, Zoozan Couch (now Winstone is gorn), Zoozan Kedgley (the Big Mac she has in her washhouse would feed a zoo for years). It wouldn't do though. Lions ravishing corn fields for sustanance just isn't a goer...

    But isn't it incredible that JK has eschewed Roger in all his morphed forms from any part of his government? What's even scarier is the thought that JK might have picked up a few monetary morals afterall!!! Times HAVE changed.

    Ummm....Who WAS that "lean mean machine" who was complaining about Winstone's "baubles of office"? ....well at least now he can be the ballboy.

    Oh to the Chimps Tea Party for a cuppa.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Life at Paremoremo Boys' High,

    Oh Mr Hayward, how can they afford you? You have failed Master Hayward. You failed Pararemoremo, you failed IRL, you failed the Avon, you failed ...what was that wee town down south?? And now you are failing by travelling. Oh well. ....waht a bugger....

    It IS nice to see that weeds around Noo zild got their cumuppence in other High Schools as well. My experiences incorporated Pukekohe. The same idiocy occurred. Canings for 'insubordination' like calling a physics teacher a dork. (I was laughing at the time). For failing to pick up a TT2 stick. And then all was fixed when Alan Grey and I had a fist fight by the fish pond and Mr Dacre pulled us apart. "Who taught you to box Mason?" So I figured I must have done something right for the mutitudes (as you so rightly point out) turned up within seconds of the blood fest. God it must have been an awful place. But yes, there was the odd teacher who inspired - including the dork BTW. When I finished reading the ONLY thing I completely read through at High School (The Pohutakawa Tree by Brucce Mason) the English teacher (Polly Wilson) was astounded that I could actually tell him the sub plots as well. Or gaining 58% in SC in English that was the ONLY English exam I have EVER passed and he nearly fell over.

    Ah those were the 'good 'ol days'. But my geekiness maust have been present even back then. I wagged the first 2 periods when Armstrong landed on the moon. I spent them in the radio shack at school listening intently without a care in the world of what the teachers were going to do to me. At least I knew when history was being made!...........I hated history. Bad teacher maybe......

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birthday Cheer for Ricky the…,

    Ummmm......Australia's Waikato University?????

    Oh dear....

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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