Posts by "chris"

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  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup,

    Deference Area

    Ha! I love the star spangled eyeball Ian.

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Hope Springs, in reply to Kyle Matthews,

    Very cool rhythms, bless you for posting that Kyle.

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    “Tempora is the first 'I save everything' approach ('full take') in the intelligence world. It sucks in all data, no matter what it is, and which rights are violated by it. ... Right now, the system is capable of saving three days' worth of traffic, but that will be optimised. Three days may perhaps not sound like a lot, but it's not just about connection metadata. 'Full take' means that the system saves everything. If you send a data packet and if makes its way through the UK, we will get it. If you download anything, and the server is in the UK, then we get it.”

    If New Zealand is running something similar I wonder how they'd be doing so without infringing section 92A of the Copyright (New Technologies) Amendment Act 2008.

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup, in reply to BenWilson,

    it’s pretty clear you can easily avoid such spying just by not doing your communication in that way, and is thus a highly appealing method to anyone actually doing anything really dodgy

    “22:22 (14 hours ago)
    Dear Felix,
    Erectile dysfunction medication has arrived, we are all systems go! See you on the day of Thor at the hornets nest ; )



    "05:23 (7 hours ago)
    Dear James,
    Glad to hear the WMDs have arrived. As previously discussed, I'd prefer you refrained from using these silly euphemisms, they are not cool!!! If per chance we are arrested and tried, I'd prefer there were no grounds for the prosecution to insinuate that I'm a homosexual.


    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Hope Springs,

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup,

    [Danger Alert]

    Early nomination for word [phrase] of the year comes from Public Address reader Rodney Hide:

    "we live in a dangerous world"

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    To the best of my knowledge, in both those cases I mentioned they were sent to the black jails, midnight wake up drills and all. With regards to the renegotiation, I’m always a little dumbstruck at how gracefully middle New Zealand seems to accept these little erosions. Even the briefest glance at SIS exposé, indicates that our Pacific dream may have gone ever so slightly awry. Or been Shanghaied.

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    I find that governments are using the threat of terrorism to massively expand their authority and erode our freedom

    I can’t agree more, I’d even suggest that erasing western privacy could potentially end up provoking more terrorism than previously existed. Sure Big Brother cleans up in that novel but in Orwell’s ’45 effort the pigs are ousted.

    One thing about the CCPs approach is that their complete disregard for personal privacy and freedom of speech is seldom discussed or justified by them talking up their enemies. Sure there’s the odd soundbite, but generally they don’t seem to want to give the Barmecidal threats too much exposure, because people might start asking why these groups want to destroy a Government. It’s just implicitly expected that all communication will be monitored, and that which falls outside ‘guidelines’ will be censured. People get packed into vans and disappear for weeks, I even know of one case at an old friend’s work place where the manager spent three weeks in one of those jails for ineffectively moderating a web forum. It’s a slippery slope.

    In light of this, in my time here I’ve made a decent enough effort to moon the Chinese internet police as much as possible, because, if the powers that be want in on your privacy, you might as well give them the full monty.

    The ethical and moral corruption, that which has motivated our own Government to subvert our society’s peaceful and transparent values in order to commence spying on its own people both at home and abroad, is the most wanton provocation of domestic terrorism that our country has been party too for many a year.

    Thanks for paraphrasing Russell, I’m wondering if we should all chip in to get Scoop a decent audio setup.

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup,

    I listened a couple of times, I still haven’t found

    “but what if there was a bomb and some children died?”

    I’ve located “what if there was a bomb at an airport and some people die?” (11:20). Beagle says [roughly] “and your hypothesis would be that the GSCB can’t stop that or hadn’t stopped that in the past?”, is that the bit?

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

  • Hard News: A GCSB Roundup,

    The active participation of geeks in civil society benefits everyone.

    As long as we as a society rely on a camera mic across the room, forgoing any opportunity to use audio collected on the mics in actual proximity to the speakers, the benefits will remain limited to those with tremendous patience, good hearing and a familiarity with thick New Zealand accents and borderline speech impediments.

    What was the impeccable response to the PM’s emotionally retarded “but what if there was a bomb and some children died?” question?

    location, location, locat… • Since Dec 2010 • 250 posts Report

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