Posts by David Cormack
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*for them meaning the Republican party...damn my pronoun usage
Careful Craig, using "tar" and "Obama" in the same sentence might be racist...
In other news I do have to agree with you (ouch) that yes this is certainly the Democrat's election to lose - having said that they do have a wonderful habit of pulling losses from inevitable victories.
That most recent special election must be a huge eye-opener for them and I think we'll see a radical distancing from the Bush Regime in the leadup to the General Election.
Here's hoping anyway. A douche in the Oval Office is still better than a Bush Douche.
I have to say, the media has been somewhat biased at even a primal level - illustrations. Hillary's shots as 'news' have mainly been her looking frantic and panicky while Barack's shots have usually been so composed.
Of course there's the possibility that Hillary is frantic and panicky but I suspect this isn't the case.
"And of course, Deborah, not only was our offence our own, subjective fault, but it was also irrelevant to the larger discussion and must therefore be dismissed. "
Ok prepared to accept the part about being upset by Witch - I can see your point and Iv'e apologised for it.
However, now you're being ridiculous. I apologised for the fact I derailed the thread and you jump down my throat about it.
And you're right Craig, I apologise to witches everywhere for comparing them with Hillary. It was unfair.
So I apologise for the complete de-railing of this thread about my sexism towards Hillary.
I shall henceforth refer to her as "Hillary"
"Can Barack finally kill off Hillary's Presidential campaign?"
The problem with a word loaded with perjoratives is that people can interpret them in a way that is unintended.
Is it right for me to then apologise for an interpretation that wasn't my aim?
If you think it is then I apologise for causing offence.
"But falling back on 'witch' to describe her is plain old sexism."
Nope. It's not.
I dislike Hillary for a whole raft of reasons mentioned here. Not because she's a woman.
Gotta be honest, wouldn't have said "warlock" for a man. That was a 'joke'. I would have said bastard. Another gender specific epithet.
No, I don't think she's a witch purely because she's a woman. I think she's a witch because she's an evil person.
Had she been a man I would have said warlock. -
Ha. Drudge has exits as 51-37 for Obama in NC and 45-43 in Ind.
Could he finally kill off the witch?
I said it right from the beginning, I wouldn't be surprised if Clinton got the nom - somehow.
Why would she be sticking around if she didn't geniunely believe she could get it?
Having said that, Ralph Nader may end up with a much higher vote count if she does get it. It'd be really good for Democratic morale if the supers said "well f*ck your popular vote, and f*ck your delegate count, you proles know nothing...we're going with Hillary."