Posts by Sacha
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Impractical is beautiful.
Ah, that does explain it. Beautifully.
i always blame the ad agencies and their media lackies
But that makes us all victims rather than active agents of our cruel fate.
Eh? I don't have one, but how are they not practical?
Or are you subtly communicating gift preferences to significant others? :)
I don't understand why it's the impractical things that are fashionable.
baggy cammo pants
Raising next Kaos generation, I see.. :)
I personally doubt so many would be keen to answer "no" to that wording.
But for a fraction of the cost and kerfuffle of a referendum, some polling company could have found out for us.
Ben, "when did you stop beating your wife?" is a straightforward question. Just not particularly useful.
Not sure there's ever good timing for that.
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