Posts by Sacha
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Still, having to carry someone's shopping seems like a win compared with either embarrassing them or attracting a beating.
That might be a giveaway, yes. If only all the heart patients and suchlike were so obvious..
Fewer than 10% of local mobility parking permit holders use wheelchairs, though, so I'd have to be prepared to get it wrong and have my bluff called.
asking obviously able-bodied folk skipping away after parking in a mobility-challenged parking space if they need a hand to carry their shopping back to their car
Brilliant - I may steal that idea.
Invoking the Bollard - genius!
Bastard Gin, Actual Gin
Two varieties, eh? Almost mathematical..
Top educator
Director of agriculture.
Craig, that qualifies as a theory whose testing is unlikely to receive ethical aproval.
I should have posted a Gwyneth warning, really.
Robots and planes, you say..
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