Posts by Sacha
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According to Bryder, Coney said so in her own book.
Crap - that's two books to read. :)
But the simple matter of fact, which you've not rebutted, is that even Sandra Coney acknowledges there were never two groups of women, one deliberately under-treated.
Can someone link to Coney acknowledging that please. I can also see I'll need to find time to read the flipping book..
"That's a fucking clever headline"
Shit yes. Chapter title? I do like vanilla, but always interesting to hear about other flavours.
the prospect of introducing Hart and Dalziel
I would pay to be at that dinner.
You start by telling me I’m wrong, then you try to work out how I got broken. The next step is of course fixing me. This is the same attitude some people display towards homosexuality.
With disability, it often goes broken --> wrong --> fix.
Throng graphs viewership numbers during Telethon. I must have been part of the spike at about 1.30am.
What was the cost to build the Big Night In website
Less than the Mission On site. :)
I take it cre8d wasn't approached, then, Rachel?
I forgot Rick wore that hat as well. Excellent.
The question to ask a charity is what is their fundraising ratio? (especially long established charities -it's harder for new charities.)
Few questions, any level of detail appreciated if possible:
1) How much of the (let's agree, high) overhead described above is because Kids Can is quite young?
2) To what extent did that leverage into the offsetting sponsorship for the Telethon (eg: early spend to establish ongoing relationships)?
3) What is the ratio over the lifetime of the organisation so far, and perhaps projecting forward over the spend period of the Telethon income?
We have one auditioning for the job..
Word O' the week
If you are the only MP ever from a particular population group, the pressure to "represent" them seems understandable. Wealthy white men, not so much.
Cowardly boys wearing suits.
In what universe is shafting our children's children "bold"?
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