Posts by Sacha
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Uh, explosions. Tenuous link to a story with a funny picture, I know. As you were.
I should clarify that I meant Hunt's performance as Speaker seemed unworthy of that degree of recognition. Sure he gave long service as a local MP and Minister and as you say his involvement in adoption reform was notable.
Knight him by all means. Just don't give him an honour reserved for only twenty living New Zealanders at any time unless you can explain why he deserved that more than the other 4 million of us.
Be interesting to see who the public would have suggested - though possibly stacked with telly presenters and sports people. If asked today, possibly not so many All Blacks..
Explosions aren't really my thing.
Then you probably wouldn't enjoy Farrier's expedition in search o the Mongolian death worm.
The pair leave for Mongolia on Tuesday and will be joined there by a team of three: a cook, a translator and a driver. They will spend two weeks camping in the Gobi Desert, and as the worm is supposedly attracted to tremors, they will set off some explosions to try to draw it to the surface.
Or are we saying Lockwood should be in with a grin the next time one of the existing Order members falls off the perch?
Make him a Sir, but one of a group of only twenty living New Zealanders? Please.
Paul, while I have no problem with recognising the service of MPs, making such an undistinguished one a member of an extremely select order seems farcical to me.
I understand there are all sorts of reasons why people might choose to accept or reject a title. Sadly I'm confident that Mr Hunt's conscience was untroubled.
I will fizz myself
Was quite looking forward to hearing how that went.
And Jonathan Hunt tops the lot of them.
Cooperating is not always a sign of success.
or doing the same thing again when it didn't work for you the first time
Mind you when does that count as persistence?
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