Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    I think the early 70s were still pretty good for Paul, though. 'Another Day', 'Every Night', 'Band on the Run', 'Coming Up', 'Jet', 'Junk'... we're kind of Wings revisionists in our household

    Most of those you listed ain't Wings though. I'm thinking of the banality of 90% of the output from about 75 onwards until about 88. I remember Goodnight Tonight being hailed at the time (esp the 12") as a second coming..look, he can still pull it off...but then we had the rest to knock us back into line.

    And I'm a bit of a Wing's revisionist myself....there are moments, even in that eighties solo dross.

    Much easier if we blame it all on Linda and Yoko though....

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    the thing you pointed out was that Murdoch had sold up. that doesn't negate the intent of the article.

    More importantly that Time Warner-AOL owns WMG, which anyone with any real knowledge of the recording industry knows is nonsense. I'm having trouble taking any 'commentator' of the industry who doesn't know the basics, especially when he uses them as core examples, very seriously and thought his / her ramble largely vacuous.

    But that's just me. Others may get more from it.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    they did get some pretty interesting perspectives regardless of the technicalities of who owns what in the present day.

    except they were wrong as I pointed out a couple of pages back

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    But yeah: it'd be better if there wasn't just one big player in that game ...

    Agreed, but hell, as an indie in the 80s I'd have murdered for a distributor with a global presence rather than the shitty territory by territory sorts of deals which were the only option if you could find the airfares (or interest) to negotiate them.

    And I'd happily pay 30% to have the product available in just about every home in the developed world rather than a few edgy record stores in a few big cities. The removal of that one barrier to sales is massive.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    to be fair Don, that was almost three decades ago, in the darkest days. The last McCartney album., The Fireman's third (with Youth) got pretty much universal 4 & 5 star reviews, as did Chaos & Creation. As a recording artist his reputation is pretty much rehabilitated these days.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Good on him, I say.

    I think he's thoroughly revived his reputation / credibility, call it what you will, in recent years, with a series of pretty fine solo records which nobody else of his generation, Dylan aside, has been able to offer, and a thoroughly lovable grandfab persona which the public seems to lap up.

    Then again, put up next to Heather Mills, anyone would look sincere.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    iTunes pays out 70% of revenue per track to record companies, but its margin after costs is generally estimated at around 10%, which isn't huge -- certainly not by Apple's standards.

    And then the label pays 20% of 75% of what it receives to the artists, less recoupment out of that 20% (which includes pretty much all the costs of the project, not just that album or song).

    I'd be happier to reply on Bomb Party if they had much idea of what they were talking about but his / her posts are just factually questionable (and I pointed out a couple of major ones earlier).

    At least if an act or an indie signs their track to Apple they are able to use the 70% from Apple (less the cost of the aggregator) as they see fit and apply 100% of that to the costs of the project.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Also: I am buying Beatles Rock Band the day it comes out. :)

    hell yeah!

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Excuse my ignorance, but why?

    Because the chance of someone going across to a Beatles site, setting up an account, and then buying it, is far less than someone browsing at Amazon or iTunes and A huge proportion of music sales are driven by browsing.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    2009 CD remasters

    Dharni Harrrison, George's son, is suggesting that they may sidestep iTunes and make the digital versions of the 2009 remasters only available via their own website..which sounds like an incredibly stupid idea, seemingly coming from a mixture of greed and living in a sycophantic bubble.

    Or maybe they're still enjoying fucking with Steve Jobs as some sort of retribution for the last court fracas over the Apple name.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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